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3 7 R F R O M T H E A N T I M A T T E R F A C T O R Y G W Y N E T H L E W I S Which shall I choose? A ring of ‘‘layered time’’? Or ‘‘corset, its strings undone’’? Sexy, but. ‘‘Dark pearl in a storm’’? No, earrings: two isinglass panes Held in three silver rings, hooks cool In my flesh for now. The mica Glitters, pleasingly subtle For your ocular pleasure; Me, I love, when I turn my face Towards you, that tug of inertia, The feel of cold pendulum kisses Against my neck, as mass longs for matter. The quotations come from, featuring jewelry by CERN antimatter physicist Dr. Michael Doser. This poem and the two following were commissioned by CERN. ...

