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Y Y R T H E Y A L E R E V I E W Yale University Post O≈ce Box ≤≠∫≤∂≥ New Haven, CT ≠∏∑≤≠-∫≤∂≥ (≤≠≥) ∂≥≤-≠∂ΩΩ E D I T O R I A L B O A R D David Bromwich Kai Erikson Anne Fadiman Roberto González Echevarría Langdon Hammer Dolores Hayden Joseph LaPalombara Penelope Laurans Claude Rawson Jonathan Spence Alan Trachtenberg Timothy Young T H E Y A L E R E V I E W (Print ISSN ≠≠∂∂ ≠∞≤∂, online ISSN ∞∂∏π Ωπ≥∏) is published quarterly by Wiley Subscription Services , Inc., a Wiley Company, ∞∞∞ River St., Hoboken , NJ ≠π≠≥≠-∑ππ∂. Set in Walbaum type by Keystone Typesetting Inc. Pottsville, PA. Printed in the USA by the Sheridan Group. Designed by Chip Kidd and Ely Kim. The Editors are pleased to consider submissions sent to the Yale University address above. I N F O R M A T I O N F O R S U B S C R I B E R S Journal Customer Services: For ordering information , claims, and any inquiry concerning your journal subscription go to www.wileycustomerhelp .com/ask or contact your nearest o≈ce. Americas: Email:; Tel: +∞ π∫∞ ≥∫∫ ∫∑Ω∫ or ∞ ∫≠≠ ∫≥∑ ∏ππ≠ (toll free in the USA & Canada). Europe, Middle East, and Africa: Email:; Tel: +∂∂ (≠) ∞∫∏∑ ππ∫≥∞∑. Asia Pacific: Email:; Tel: +∏∑ ∏∑∞∞ ∫≠≠≠. Visit our Online Customer Help available in seven languages at M I C R O F O R M A N D B A C K I S S U E S The journal is available on microfilm (∞∏ mm or ∞≠∑ mm) or ∞≠∑ mm microfiche from University Microfilms Inc., ≥≠≠ North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor MI ∂∫∞≠∏-∞≥∂∏, USA. Back issues: Single issues from current and recent volumes are available at the current single-issue price from cs-journals Earlier issues may be obtained from Periodicals Service Company, ≥∑∞ Fairview Avenue, Ste ≥≠≠, Hudson, NY ∞≤∑≥∂ USA. Tel: +∞ ∑∞∫ ∫≤≤ Ω≥≠≠ Fax: +∑∞∫ ∫≤≤ Ω≥≠∑ Email: psc@periodicals .com S U B S C R I P T I O N R A T E S for Volume ∞≠∂, ≤≠∞∏, published quarterly: The Americas UK Institutional Rate $≤∂∂ £∞∫Ω Individual Rate ∞ year $∂≥ £∂∏ ≤ year $π∏ £π≥ ≥ year $∞∞≠ £∞≠π Prices are exclusive of tax. Asia-Pacific GST, Canadian GST/HST, and European VAT will be applied at the appropriate rates. For more information on current tax rates, please go to The institutional price includes online access to the current and all online back files to January ∞st ≤≠∞≤, where available. For other pricing options, including access information and terms and conditions, please visit Where the subscription price includes print issues and delivery is to the recipient’s address, delivery terms are Delivered at Place (DAP); the recipient is responsible for paying any import duty or taxes. Title to all issues transfers FOB our shipping point, freight prepaid. We will endeavor to fulfill claims for missing or damaged copies within six months of publication, within our reasonable discretion and subject to availability. M A I L I N G Periodical Postage paid at Hoboken, NJ, and additional o≈ces. P O S T M A S T E R Send all address changes to The Yale Review, John Wiley & Sons Inc., c/o The Sheridan Press, P O Box ∂∏∑, Hanover , PA ∞π≥≥∞. C O P Y R I G H T A N D C O P Y I N G Copyright ≤≠∞∏ by Yale University. ‘‘Beautiful Things are Di≈cult’’ excerpted from Till We Have Built Jerusalem: Architects of a New City by Adina Ho√man, to be published in April ≤≠∞∏ by Farrar, Straus and Giroux, LLC. ∫ ≤≠∞∏ by Adina Ho√man. All rights reserved. The photo on p. ∞∂ is from the collection of the Oriental Research Archives, University of Chicago, photographed by the American Colony Photographers and reproduced by permission of the American Colony. p. ≤≤, p. ≤∂: reproduced by permission of the Israel Antiquities Authority Archive, Jerusalem. The photo on pp. ∂∂ (‘‘Traveler’’) is reproduced by kind permission of the Virginia Historical Society. p. ∂∑ (‘‘Lady Su√olk’’), Currier & Ives, is from the Library of Congress. p. ≥Ω: photo of the author’s mother, by Edmond Dayan. p. ≥∫, p. ∂∫: photos by author. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. No...

