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1 4 6 Y L I K E T H E P E L I C A N N O A H W A R R E N The shape of the pelican swings back and forth across the mouth of the Cove of Now and Then. So winter blooms, hot, stark – three black notes, you, me, this, float together from the ark revolving: wary we touch fingertips and as our tongues meet strung nerves thrum and the sea’s lungs boom our chord – a clutch of heart in teeth – now hollower notes – listen – shark rots on sand, a breeze drains the land, and two stars wink out in rhythm – break open to theme and so prove eternity is choice and death, choice – love, its voice – spread your gaze through my gaze, all pity for the dying union, drown: this dark water swallows planets, dissolves the granite cape, the reefs of bone – dark water 1 4 7 R trickle through my cells, my eyes, persist in me like the pelican that I may learn to see and not to see ...

