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1 5 0 Y H E R C A P R I C O R N Q U O N D A M C O M P A Ñ E R O J I M P O W E L L What let us think this Lioness and Goat could wear without distress the same yoke at a single pace together through the narrow space wherein our journeys are confined by the loads we have assigned ourselves to shoulder – and not weep to learn what’s real and what’s for keeps? Or must we leave our loads outside to cross this threshold and abide with what we grasp between us after rapture lapses into capture and let mutual accord dictate conditions to a√ord timely grace to plant and reap and see what’s real and what’s for keeps? Wherever now you lay your head compañera, be comforted: your love answered, and good dreams, after, wake to perennial springs of laughter, room to stretch and work in peace, refuge, sustenance, release and balance, like a top that sleeps, to sense what’s real and what’s for keeps. ...

