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Shane McCrae | 105 The hastily assembled angel watches From the air he watches from that point in the air Where years from now the apex of the pyra-­ mid he is watching being built will be Invisibly he watches as slaves roll Huge stones from the quarry to the pyramid the Slave who invented the method for moving The stones is dead the stones that were too big For human beings to move the angel saw The slave was killed for attempting to correct The implementation of his method which The Egyptian engineers had not at first Completely understood though even as poetry The Hastily Assembled Angel on Care and Vitality Shane McCrae 106 | Shane McCrae His dark blood made the dirt beside them dark They saw the first board buckle beneath the weight Of the first stone fortunately the slave had Explained his method often to his fellow Slaves and they could when they were ordered to Silently make it work the angel sees the Slaves serve their masters most efficiently When they aren’t talking to each other but They serve their masters most quickly just after They have devised a plan to kill their masters ...

