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Announcement: Survey of Modern Chinese History Studies in Europe and America While in Beijing for a conference in December 1991, Professor Roger Jeans received the following letter. Because of its relevance to the readership of this journal, the letter is reproduced in its entirety below (with one or two minor editorial changes to "polish" the English). - - the Editor November 1991 Dear Sir: ,l I The Division of Foreign Historiography on Modem China under the Institute of Modem History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, was founded in 1988 with the aim of studying the developments and trends of modem Chinese history research abroad, and supplying information of the kind to Chinese historical circles. It publishes ~ .lmIrnill Qf Modem ~ Hiilim:~.AbroiW. the contents ofwhich include Chinese translations of foreign scholars' articles, various kinds of relevant messages, and so forth. In order to promote academic exchanges between Chinese and foreign scholars the Division now plans to compile a book entitled ~ Qf M2!krn ~ II.illinl ~ in ~ i!illl America, which will be of medium length (about 400 pages). We plan to publish the book in 1994. For this we need to gather as many materials on the subject as possible. We sincerely ask our colleagues abroad to provide us with detailed information on their institutions and themselves. 1. On institution engaged in teaching and research on modem Chinese history: a. Formal name, time of founding, and development. b. Chief: name, academic title, and address. c. Research projects or teaching subjects, persons in charge of the projects. d. Journal: time of starting publication and aim. e. Publications f. Conferences on modem China sponsored or co-sponsored by the institution: time, place and participants. g. Connections with Chinese universities and research institutions. 2. On scholars engaged in teaching and research on modem Chinese history: a. Affiliation, address, education, employment experience, present position and Chinese name if any. b. Specialty. c. Publications: monographs authored or co-authored, works edited or co-edited, translated or co-translated. d. Conferences participated in, and papers delivered. e. Work in progress. f. Academic organizations joined and positions in them. 137 ...

