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Russian Studies on Republican China in 1991 by Peter Ivanov The year under review cannot be called a landmark in research on Republican China. In part, the decrease of publications was connected with two factors, both having roots in economic instability. First, it is now impossible for Russian sinologists to do long-term research in China. Second, it is highly problematic whether books on Chinese history will go on appearing in 1992, because printing expenses are beyond the academic circles' capacity to meet. Whatever the difficulties, life goes on.t6n December 4-5, 1991 the First All-Russian Conference on Republican China was held at the Institute of Oriental Studies in Moscow. It is intended that this will be an annual conference. It opened with the presentation of Dr. Yuri Garushyants' "Certain Problems of Political and Party Struggle in China after the Xinhai Revolution". Dr. Garushyants is an active proponent of intensive demythologization of modem Chinese history. In his studies he pays special attention to the activities of liberal political forces, which, though not in power, served as an extremely important fermenting function in China's political development. All the other theses were later published, together with the materials of the 23rd conference, "Society and State in China", (see below individual references). Mostly the participants in the conference belonged to the Institutes of Oriental Studies and of the Far East (both are affiliated with the Russian Academy of Sciences) and the Institute of Asian and African Countries of Moscow State University. BOOKS 1. Mamayeva, N.L. :1M Guomindan~ in ~ National-Revolutionaor .l221) (Gomindan'f natsionalno-revolutsionnom dvizhenii Kitaya). Moscow, "Nauka", 1991, 211 pp. . 2. Melikhov, G.V. Manchuria - 52 ~ illli1 SQ E.iu: (Manchzhuriya delyokaya i blizkaya). Moscow, "Nauka", 1991, 317 pp. This book tells about the development of the Russian community .in Northeastern' C~ina, especially in Harbin. 3. Socio-Economic and ~ Problems ill Cbi.rnl in Mo1k.m ~. (Sotsialnoeconomicheskiye i politicheskiye problemi Kitaya v novoye i novejsheye vremja). A Collection of Essays. Moscow, "Nauka", 1991,367 pp. Mentioned below as Socio-economic and fulilkal Problems. 4. Proceedin~s Qf ~ ~-1hint Conference Q!l ~ and ~ in ChiniL. (Dvatsat tretja nauchnaya konferentsiya "Obshestvo i gosudarstvo v Kitaye). Moscow, Institute of Oriental Studies, 1991, vol. 2, 224 pp. Mentioned below as Proceedin~s Qf ~ 2Jnl Conference Q!l ~ and ~ in China. 131 ARTICLES AND CONFERENCE PAPERS_ 5. Akatova, T.N. "Social and Political Potential of the Contemporary Proletariat in Prerevolutionary China" (Sotsialno-politicheskiy potentsial sovremennogo proletariata dorevolutsionnogo Kitaya). Socio-economic ililll ~ Problems, pp. 296-334. 6. Belov, E.A 'The Question of Barga in Russian-Chinese Relations (1911-1915)" (Barginskij vopros v russko-kitajskih otnosheniyah). In Proceedin~s ill~ 2Jnl Conference !ill ~ allil ~ in Qllni, pp. 72-77. 7. Belousov, S.R. 'The Third Party" and the 'Third Way" ('Tretya partiya" i "tretij put"). In Problemi ~ ~ (Mentioned below as "PDV"), 1991, No.3, pp. 63-72. 8. Beloglazov, G.P. "Agrarian Reform in Northeastern China: . Preparatory Actions" (Agrarnaya reforma v Severo-Vostochnom Kitaye, podgotovitelniye meropriyatija, 19451946 ); In Proceedin~s ill ~ ZJnt Conference !ill ~ illlil ~. in Cbillib pp. 166-169. 9. Bereznij, LA "Problems for Discussion on the General Concept of the Chinese Revolution's History" (Diskusionniye problemi obshej kontseptsii istorii kitaiskoj revolutsii). In ~ LQl! (Papers of the Leningrad State University), Series 2, 1990, No.2, pp. 10-21. 10. Berenznij, LA "The Revolutionary Process in Early 20th-Century China and the Problem of Establishing a New Nationalist State (Revolutsionnij protsess v Kitaye v pervoj polovinye 20 veka i problema sozdaniya novoj natsionalnoj gosudarstvennosti). In Historio~raphy illli1 Historical ~ !ill &lim illlil Afrkiill Countries (Istoriografiya i istichnikovedeniye stran Azii i Afriki), Leningrad, 1990, pp. 11-12. . 11. Berenznij, LA "Was There a Reformist Alternative to a Revolution in Republican China?" (Respublikanskij Kitaj. Bila Ii reformatorskaya alternativa revolutsii?) In .Proceedinis Qf ~ nnt Conference Qll ~ ililll ~ in Cb.iml. pp. 3-6. 12. Borodin, B. 'Trotsky and Chiang Kai-shek" (Trotskij i Chan Kai-shi). In mY, 1991, No.2, pp. 148-156. 13. Chudodeyev, Yu. V. "Chinese Historians on Soviet Advisers" (Kitaiskiye istoriki 0 sovetskih sovetnikah). In mY, 1991, No.1, pp. 119-125. 14. Chudodeyev, Yu. V. 'The Activities ofCai E...

