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PUBLICATIONS IN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, 1984-1986 Li Zongyi -$: ;f\ _.. 1. Special Topics Chen, Bingyuan, p_A:\]. 3-Ji/ _• The Fort Year Rule of the Ma Bufang Family~~!$ f..j~ ffu)~ 5-SafJ t!f Renmin chubanshe, 1986. Qinghai Gu Daquan /i}J._ _.-k._ (t . tion War jf J1J J~ J--f ~ 1-tj Guizhou and the National PreservaGuizhou Renmin chubanshe, 1985. ' History of the War of Resistance Against Shanghai Renmin chubanshe, Editorial Committee for the War of Resistance Against Japan in Henan H } " ] rfJ JJt.d~~ ~ tJf;. '' jJn ~ jJ . A Brief Histog: of the War of Resistance Against Japan in Henan ;· ~1J ./;£. J~ .i... 11/d • Henan Renmin chuoanshe, 1985. Hu Zhixin ~}j :i_ f~ . The Northern Expedition ) ~ ~ ~ f Heilongjiang Renmin chubanshe, 1985. i ;i ..{~ Jiang Yihua~ ~-t- _. Taiyan .:i A ~ )Jt: J!...G-if JL chubansh"t, 19'85• A Study of the Philosophy of Zhang Shanghai Renmin .1 t " ...1· Jin Chongj i and Hu Shengwu {";I /J... · ~J1 ~f. 1\t . Draft Manuscript of the History of the Revolution of 19\1 (Volume 2: Zhongguo Tongmenghui ) 1- ~ j i(i f. ~ (1j: :;;. k .Jr lil I~ AA ~)· • Shang~a~ Renm~chubanshe, 1985. Lai Xinxia, ed. ,tP[.J i ~ . . .Draft Manuscript of the History of the Northern Warlords .Jb ;-,f. 'f. J+i} J... ~ Hubei Renmin chubanshe, 1983. 65 History of the •Peaceful and the Chinese Communist Part Chongqing Lin Jiayou, Zhou Xingliang, et al. ~-~ f /ij 'l~ /;.j/..:f Zhon shan and the First •Peaceful Coo eration• Between Sun the Guomindang and the Chinese Communist Party lJ· f J4 __'j fJ· , ..l': • .}( 1? 1r Guangdong Renmin chubanshe, 1986. Lin Maosheng ~~ 1l , . Histor~ of Contemporari Chinese Political Thought 4' Jl} J.i-f~ ;;( )3 ~~· J!, (-~-.IV" JloDjL)Heilongjiang Renmin chubanshe, 1984. Liu Xinghua j"•j ~if . Draft Manuscript of Sun Zhorigshan' s Thought JJ• 1); /~: jl}. 11: .?k Heilongjiang Renmin ~ubanshe, 1986. Against Japan_ j,~ • The Second •peaceful Cooperation• and the Chinese Communist Part -'2 ;;::.. ;-fi • Heilongjiang Renmin L ~ Mao Lei~ .6k Important Historical Facts of the War of Resistance Against Japan at Wuhan ~ j.t._, :Pn, Jl' t.$ Hubei Renmin chubans~;, ~85. Qian Shinan 1.\ '£ /~' ..;;;.T.:..:h~e~G;.=o~v-n~;:;;r..;.:n:;m:;:e~n:;.;t:;:a~l;-;;~;..;..;;~~=i'~'-r-T= Northern Warlord Period, 2 volumes J b ;- '$} · ()::. . f JlJ1 _J Zhonghua shuju, 1984. Renmin ribao Lilunbu and Zhongguo Shekeyuan, Jind~ishi ._)'anj_iusuo, Minguoshi yanj iushi, ed. AA11}(Jf1:{:--8p' r.f1£/:jlJ.f(:f.i!t_ A~iiifJt II( • Learn Some History of the Republic of dhina ~~f.,j~ 1J8 j( • Renmin ribao chuban;he, 1984. Shang Mingxian J~ ~)j ff A Study of Sun Zhongshan (Sun Yatsen) and the Left w"ing of the Guomindang JJ, .:;_ ~ ..!j 1.11 A~;;. -~6if ~. Renmin chubanshe, 1986. ~ · ~ Shanxi sheng_ Zhe~xie wenshiziliao yanjiuweiyuanhui, ed.~/J~ JJ:.. fA(. f.... j._ )4-.bJfJt.iJ.l. ~ _. Histori"t· :J.f .. A Study of the Sociological Thought of Sun Zhongshan ~J- rf .tL j.J.. ,~# 'J/~· ~- ~Jf' JL . Anhui Renmin chubanshe, 1985. 67 2. Treatises The Chinese Democratic Parties and the •Peaceful Coo eration• Between the Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party f JJ. tJvJ.. t' u 5/f:- ~7 1iJ j{ &' 1f ik" ~ , by Jiang Shilin and Guo Dehong ~ I L L {! 1..~ ,::p 11!.-. Zhongguo Zhanwang chubanshe, 1986. -It: 1.·.,:~ · :r r1.K1 /P. "PrJ A Research Series on the Histor (part 3 > ~ ( · . hit 1G J:f: I· Xi'nan Renmin chubans.he, 1985. A Treatise on the History of Republican China f JfA i{ t.1·1: i,.Jf, by Jiangsu sheng Xiandaishi xuehui, 1984. A A Treatise on the Stud People's Republic of Sichuan Renmin 3. Biographies Ding Fengling and Shi Xuanyuan J J~ ~~ ';fi.'l Ji/1 . Cai E, General of the National Preservation Movement 1/ttJ ii_ ~1 :i:_ ;/-1 Jf~f~ • Shanghai Renmin chubanshe, 1984. · Fan Zhen Jf~~ . Fu Zuoyi During the War Against Japan ~ i1 ~\' ) f fii_J 1lJ-. -1 fA.. Shanxi Renmin chubanshe, 1985. · My Father I General Feng Yuxiang ~- a6 Sichuan Renmin chubanshe, Geng Yunzhi j{}- 7-...>-. J _:r Anhui Renmin chubanshe, 1985. Wei...

