In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

·==========--·===· Chinese Republican Studies Newsletter Editor. Herman Mast !II. Dept. o( Hislory. University ol Conntcticut. Storrs. (1. os:s,=T=-~..,0[~-. .:-~-;~::::.-:-; Advisory and Contributine Editorial Board, lloyd Eastman. Edward fritdman. John Israel. Jam'rs Shtrjdan.lyman Van Slyh I . ,, Volume I Number 2 February, 1916 ( ;) I! .I:.CI.J~ n~·~" .,~ww-· woo -·~:_;-;_ to 1 LOOKING! AHEAD.: . ! SP~CIA_!,_ ta:WSL~J.TER EDITION I ~ '• I. L' V•,i\· ·· 'l What is the state of our field? Th) 'Working Group on Republic~r':_Jji_ri_d of the·' f Joint Committee on Contemporary China is• attemptin~ to focus scholarly 2h;,ntion 011'''"-'• that question. Chairpersons Albert feuerwerker and Phil ruhn have solicited a se~ies of "think pieces" that daal broadly uith our pro~rass as well as ~o~lth our deficiencies in understanding the Republican period. Under a special ~rant from the Jol~t Coc~ittee to this ne~o~sletter, interpretative essays by Thomas Ravski, Lloyd Eastman, ,Char:cs Hayford, and Robert Kapp uill appear as Volume I, Nu.uber 3, on April 1, 1976. Ti;is special issue will be distributed to all six hundred scholars, institutions, and libraries on our initial mailing list last fall, vhether or not they have becoCie subscribers. Hopefully this project will stimulate critical from our re~dership. Space for such dialogue will be provided in the October, 197& edition of this ne11sletter. ~ SUBSCRIPTIONS If you did not receive your own copy of this issue, it 1s because we have not enrolled you as a subscriber. We welcome subscriptions that be•ln with this issue. For everyone's convenience, we suggest that you send a check for $6; that is, $3 fer the 1975-76 academic year and $3 for the 1976-77 academic year. Checks (dra~~ on U.S. banks only) are payable to the Editor, c/o History Department, Cuiversity of Connecticut, Storrs, Ct. 06268. * • PE~:DDIG ACQUISITION _g THE l:~IVERSITY OF~~ The Library of the University of Toronto is considering the purchase of a set of micro-films of the periodical "DER OSTASIATlSCHE LLOYD." This German-language periodical was published in Shanghai from 1887 to 1944 with interruptions due to ~ar and other changes. The Acquisition Librarian, Mr. Rosenstock, would like to know, ho1o1ever, how useful this periodical would be, and how many scholars would use this set of micro-fil:ns, if they were available. If interested scholars coul:l ••rite to hil> or. the•e two questions, indicating uhich perioj they would be ~st interested in, he would then be able to form a better opinion on the catter. Xr. Rosenstock's address is: Head, Book Selection Departcent, John P. Robarts Research Library, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. M5S lAl • * * ...

