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-acreccr .ce to L. Rosinger's remarks of "class privilege." This, however, would have to be verified by other sources, such as han,lhooks, gazettes and lr· compilations. The Ping-i shou-ts'e (Handbook of Conscription), published by the Bureau of Conscription in 1947, cay be useful here. The Chlin-cheng kunS(-pao (Gazette of the Hinistry of War) and the ~u~-fang ou ~uog-?ao (Gazette of the Hinistry of Defense) arc gazettes that contain additional info~ation on the draft. There are several editions of laws and regulations on conscription cocpiled and published at the various stages of the draft. A::vn;; these, the 1936 edition of Ping-i fa-kue! (Laws and Regulations on Conscription) and its 1941 revised and enlarged edition entitled Tseng-hsiu ping-i fa-kuei hui-pien seem to be the most co~prehensive compilations. The practice of seizing able-bodied men in the streets or fields was basically a preble~ of the draft's administration. A report by Ho Ying-ch'in on the implementation of the draft and several articles on the improvement of the draft are contained in the periodical I-ch~ng vueh-k'an (The Draft Administration Honthly), published by the !iinistry of Conscription in April, 1945. Several reports on local conditions and the draft a?peartd in the"various issu~s of the periodical, Ping-i vueh-k'an (Conscription ~:.oathly), published by the Directorate of Conscription of the Ministry of War from i939 to 1943. ' These and other government docuu:ents would be invaluable sources for a study of the conscription in wartice China. This example is but a brief illustration of the usefulness of ~overncent sources for historians of Republican China. My dissertation will be a far more complete guide to the use of Republican Chinese government publications. .. * ~ BIBLIOGP~?niCAL ~ David Tsai Far Eastern Library University of Chicago • In spite of the pioneering efforts of books such as Fairbank and Banno's guide to Japanese "orks on China, and the gro,ing Japanese language competence of American China sch~lars, ~a~y valuable Japanese sinological publications remain little known and under utilized in this country. ,Hopefully, one of the functions of the· Republican Studies Ne•sletter 1Ji1l be to enable us to share our knowledge of such works, and it is with this ho?e in ~inc that I present the followin~ comments on two biblio~raphical items ~hich hav~ Oee~ of co~siderable use to ce in the course of wy research on Kiangsi pr~vi~ce d~rio~ t~e ~Gnking dccacie. The first of these iteQS is an extensive index of Chinese newspaper and journal articles publishec in issues nu::ber 14-48 of the Japanese quarterly ~ kenkyu (China researd.) fro::> 1927 to 1937. Entitled "Shuyi:! Chugoku zasshi shimbun kiji sakuin" (Index to articles in principal Chinese journals and newspapers),· this index records pertinent infor.:ation--title, author, journal and issue number--foi: about 34,000-35,000 articles fro:: a w!de variety of Chinese journals and papers. Although the nuffiber and titles of the journals vary so~ewhat from issue to issue ·(averaging perhaps 50-60 titles), coverage usually includes such icportant journals as Tung-fang tsa-chih c·r:aste:rn :;.iscellany.. ) anc ~ c~ou-nao C'Kuo-wen ""e~kly 11 ) ~ as uell as a good selection of professional journals such as Chiao-vi tsa-chih (Education) and Yin-hang chou-pao (Banking 1Jeekly), and gove~ent gazettes like~ cheng-fu kung-pao -9- (National Government gazette) and Nei-ch~ kun~-p•o (Internal offverall supervision of a compilation section of the Central China Commlttee headed by the well-known sinologlst Tanaka Tadao. The index dra·•s upon approximately 350 titles from the library holdings of the Central China Cornaittee office. library, and seeks to provide information about "i~:~portant" articles from these journals. The second volume "as produced two years later as a supple~:~enr to the first, and although it indexes some of the same journals, there seems to be mini~al overla?. Unfortunately, there is no listing of the journals covered in the first volu~e; the list in the...

