In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Editor's Note With this issue, the compositon of the Editorial Board of Republican Cpina changes. After three years of loyal service on the Board, Emily Honig has stepped down. Republican China extends a warm welcome to her replacement, Christina Gilmartin. After serving twice, and with distinction, as editor of Republican China, Herman Mast III has now joined the Editorial Board. From time to time, Republican China receives manuscripts in Chinese. If you would like to help out by translating such an article , please write to the editor. This may be unpaid labor, but it is not thankless. Such trans~.ations are extremely helpful to Republican China's subscribers. ;' The April issue (manuscripts should be submitted by early February ), as usual, will contain bibliographical reports on recent studies of Republican China in several countries, as well as several essays. We welcome articles on the history and literature of the Republican period, as well as research notes on new sources, conference reports, book reviews of works in Chinese or Japanese, review essays dealing with several works on a particular theme or period, translations of Chinese or Japanese historical articles, and translations of Chinese literature of the period, 1912-1949. i ...

