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Bibliography of French Publications on Republican China, 1992 by Jacqueline Nivard BOOK RABUT Isabelle (trans.), Le petit soldat du Hunan de Shen Congwen. Paris, Albin Michel, 1992. (Trans. of Congwen zizhuan). ARTICLES) BERGERE Marie-Claire, "L'effet Sun Yat-sen. Quand Orient et Occident se toument Ie dos," Etudes chinoises, XI (1), 1992, 87-107. NGUYEN TRI Christine, "Le missionnaire et Ie mandarin. Deux pionniers de la reforme educative ala fin du XIXe siecle en Chine," Etudes chinoises, XI (1), 1992, 109-139. NGUYEN TRI Christine, "La vie quotidienne dans une universite ~hanghalenne (vers 1970)," Cahiers d'hudes chinoises 10, 1992, 35-58. NGUYEN TRI Christine, "Theses en preparation (Chine, Chinois d'Outre-mer, Hong Kong, Taiwan et Ie Tibet)," Bloc-Notes2 , 1992, 1, 25 pp. THIREAU Isabelle, MAK Kong, "Parente et territorialite dans les villages du Sud de la Chine: 1911-1990," in Isaac CHIVA et al., De village en village: espaces communautaires et developpement, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France/Geneve: Cahiers de l'I.U.E.D., 43-47. ARTICLES OF FRENCH AUTHORS IN ENGLISH OR GERMAN: BASTID-BRUGUIERE Marianne, liThe Emergence of Science as a Profession in Republican China, II in Proceedings of Conference on Eighty Years' History ofthe Republic o/China, Taipei, Modern China Press, 1992, vol. 3, 137-154. BIANCO Lucien, "Rural Tax Resistance in Early Republican China (1912-1937): the Variety of Tax Targets, II in Proceedings of Conference on Eighty Years' History of the Republic of China, op. cit., 21-38. HENRIOT Christian, "Fiscal Modernization and Popular Protest: a Study of Tax Reform and Tax Resistance in Nationalist Shanghai, 1927-1937,II in Symposium on the Modernization in China, 1860-1949 , Taipei, Academia Sinica, Institute of Modern History, 1991, 507-532. HENRIOT Christian, liThe Evolution of Municipal Institutions in Nationalist China, 1927-1937, II in Proceedings of Conference on Eighty Years' History ofthe Republic of China, op.cit., 39-61. HENRIOT Christian, II Medicine, VD and Prostitution in Prerevolutionary China, II The Social History ofMedicine, vol. 5, 1992, 95-120. KREISSLER Francoise, "A.J. Storfer: Ein Wiener Intellektueller in Shanghai, II in Peter MUHR, Paul FEYERABEND, Cornelia WEGELER (ed.), Philosophie, Psychoanalyse, Emigration. Festschrift jar Kurt Rudolf Fischer zum 70. Gebunstag. Wien, Wiener Universitatsverlag, 1992, 180-193. NlVARD Jacqueline, "Studies on Chinese Women in France [a bibliography], II Newsletter Frauen und China3, 1992, 3, 26-29. Jacqueline Nivard is associated with the Center de Recherches et de Documentation sur la Chine Contemporaire, Paris. She is Republican China's bibliographic correspondent for France. 139 NOTES 1. Most of these articles are reviewed in the Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie (issue 1992 or 1993). For information, please do write the editors (Michel Cartier, Danielle Elisseeff, Jacqueline Nivard, 12-14 rue Corvisart, 75013 Paris; fax: (33-1) 45 48 93 11). 2. This list of theses in preparation can be obtained from the Centre d'etudes chinoises, 2, rue de Lille, 75007 PARIS. 3. Newsletter Frauen und China, Ostasiatisches Seminar der FU Berlin, Sinologie, Podbielskiallee 42 W-lOOO BERLIN. 140 ...

