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Index Absalom and Achitophel,utsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 13-26 acad emiccollab oration,3-10 Acad emieroyale d emusique (the Opera), 223-242 Addison, Joseph, 140 Adventures ofRoderick Random, 147-148 Alceste, 223, 231-233 Alexander’s Feast, 31, 32, 36-37, 240 allegory, 43-61, 69-93 American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, the, 3-10, passim Andromache Weeping over the Body of Hector, 249, 251 (Fig. 3), 253, 256 anti-semitism, 209-217 passim Antiquities ofRome (Piranesi), 263 Anton, H., 168 archetypal symbols, 43-61,109-117 Arcimboldo, Gian-Angelo, 281 Aristotle, 4, 135, 273 Armide, 232, 233, 236, 239 Armies of the Nigh t, 150-151 Arnaud, Francois, 233 art history, 247-269, 271-294 artistic sincerity, 31-39 Augustine, 71, 76, 78, 80-86, 185,187, 301 Austen, Jane, 73, 93, 149, 151 Bacon, Francis, 4 “Bard, the,” 164 Bard, the Germanic, 161-169 Barmardiston, Sir Samuel, 23 Baroque literature, 31-39, 119-124 Battle of the Books, 6,51,61 Bauer, Bruno, 195 Bayle, Pierre, 109, 205-209 Beaufort, Jacques-Antoine, 257-262 Bell, Robert, 16-17,18 Bentley, Richard, 54 Bethel, Slingsby, 19, 21 Bible, the, 44, 55, 129, 132, 195-202,211 Biblical criticism, 195-202 Birch, Thomas, 15 Blackstone, Sir William, 172-175 Blair, Hugh, 165 Blicher, Steen Steenson, 165 Bloomfield, Morton, 8-9 Blow, John, 37 Bonnet, Charles, 136 Bosch, Hieronymus, 275 Boyer, Pascal, 240-241 Brecht, Bertolt, 119 Breughel, Pieter, 275 Bricaire de La Dixmerie, Nicolas, 226 Brutus (Beaufort), 257-262 Buber, Martin, 214 Bultmann, Rudolf, 184 Burney, Charles, 230 Calzabigi, Ramiero, 224, 232 Candide, 117 Canitz, Friedrich Rudolf von, 122 Caractacus, 263-264 Carnaval du Parnasse, 232 Castellion, Sebastianus, 206 321 322 / vutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Index Cephale et Procris,utsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 236 Chab anon,Michel d e,241 Chamanisme, 112, 115-116 Chancery, Court of, 171-179 Charlemagne, 120 Charles II of England , 15-26 passim Chastellux, Jean-Francois, 224, 228-229, 236,241 Christianity, 47,49, 80-86, 129, 183-191, 195-202, 209-217 Christie, W. D., 17, 18, 25 Church and State, 205-208, 209-217 Cicero, 301 Circe, 38-39 Clarissa, 84, 140-147, 151, 155-159 Qarke, Jeremiah, 36 Clement of Alexandria, 183 College, Stephen, 20-21, 24 Commentaries on the Laws of England, Y12-Y1S Condillac, Etienne Bonnot de, 95 confession, literary, 69-93, 95-107 Confessions (Augustine), 71, 76, 78, 80-86 Confessions (Rousseau), 95, 96 Congreve, William, 4 Contant d’Orville, Andre, 226-227 Contrat social, Le, 96, 98, 100,106 conversion, 80-93 Coopers Hill, 297-314 Copernicus, Nicolaus, 5 Corbet, Thomas, 213 Cornish, Henry, 19, 21 “courtly-genteel style,” 139-152, 155-159 Covinus, Gottlieb Siegmund, 121 Crane, R. S., 310 Crisp, Samuel, 269 criticism, history of, 13-26, 31-39 Critique ofPure Reason, 201 D’Alembert, Jean le Rond, 226, 229, 238 Dance, Nathaniel, 247-269 Darly, Mary and Matthew, 273-274, 284 (Fig. 2) Daumier, Honore, 282, 285 (Fig. 13) Davenant, Sir William, 301 David, Jacques-Louis, 249, 250, 256, 259 Davies, Godfrey, 17-18,19 Death of Virginia, 247-269 Defoe, Daniel, 6, 69-93, 158 deism, 183-191, 195-202 demography, 131-137 Denham, John, 297-314 Denis, Michael, 165, 167 Dennis, John, 298-299, 304 Derick, Samuel, 15 Descartes, Rene, 134-135, 136 Devis, Arthur, 265 Diaspora, the, 209-217 Dickens, Charles, 149-150, 151-152 Diderot, Denis, 4, 109, 224, 226, 229, 240 Dippel, Johann Konrad, 200 Discours sur Vinegalite, 97, 100 Doddington, Bubb, 284 Draghi, Giovanni Battista, 37 Dryden, John, 9,13-26, 31-39, 240, 284,303 Du Barry, Madame, 237 Du Fresnoy, Charles-Alphonse, 36 Du Roullet, Fran^ois-Louis-Gand Le Bland, 230-231 Echo et Narcisse, 223, 238 Edelmann, Johann Christian, 195-202 education, 95-107 passim, 183-191 Education of the Human Race, 183-191 Eleonora, 31-33, 38 Eliade, Mircea, 110-117, 161 Eliot, George, 73, 93 Eliot, T. S., 5 Emile, 96, 97, 100, 104 Erasmus, Desiderius, 6 Escrick, Lord Howard of, 14, 20 ethnology, primitive, 109-117 Exclusion Crisis, the, 13, 19 Faerie Queen, 45 Fairchild, Hoxie N., 7 Faith and Reason, 125-130, 183-191 fanaticism, 43-61 Feijoo, Benito Jeronimo, 131-137 feme sole and feme covert, 171...

