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  • Contributors Page

Vanessa Castañeda is a Ph.D. Candidate in Latin American Studies at Tulane University who specializes in investigating notions of authenticity, folklore, and exoticism as foundational to Brazilian national and regional identity formation. Broadly, she interrogates the ways that the expressive and material cultures of marginalized groups are re-appropriated to fit racial and gender tropes, as well as the strategic subversion of existing narratives for political mobilization. Her dissertation entitled “Traditional and Political: A Reconceptualization of the Baiana de Acarajé” uses interdisciplinary methodologies, including community-based ethnographic fieldwork as a Fulbright Research Fellow (2018), to argue that baianas have mastered navigating their mobility in accessing multiple spaces of power, both figuratively and spatially, as political agents.

Lisa Covert is currently an Associate Professor of Latin American History at the College of Charleston. Her previous publications include the book San Miguel de Allende: Mexicans, Foreigners, and the Making of a World Heritage Site (University of Nebraska Press, 2017) and peer-reviewed articles published in The Latin Americanist, Diplomatic History, and Turismo y Patrimonio.

Henry Jacob is a senior at Yale College majoring in history and pursuing a Certificate in Spanish. Henry is the Editor in Chief of The Yale Historical Review and the founding President of the Society of Undergraduate Humanities Publications. He seeks to continue his research on Panama’s role as a cynosure of imperial designs across centuries and empires next fall as a graduate student.

Andrea Lepage is a Professor of Art History at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia. She specializes in visual art produced by US Latina/o/x artists who investigate themes of memory, forgetting, and loss in relation to Mexican American, and, more broadly, US Latina/o/x culture and history. Her recent scholarship focuses on community muralism, racialized violence in art history, and the objects of cultural memory.

Sean S. Sell is a Ph.D. Candidate in Comparative Literature at the University of California, Davis. He is translator and co-editor with Nicolás Huet Bautista of the trilingual anthology Chiapas Maya Awakening: Contemporary Poems and Short Stories, featuring works by Indigenous Chiapas writers (University of Oklahoma Press, 2017). He has taught in the Comparative Literature and Native American Studies departments at UC Davis. He continues to work translating indigenous Maya literature and studying the developing literary and cultural scene in Chiapas in the context of Indigenous and decolonial literature worldwide.

Patricia Silver is a sociocultural anthropologist whose research focuses on the Puerto Rican experience in Puerto Rico and in the U.S. diaspora. Puerto Rico’s colonial relation to the United States means that her research engages questions about citizenship in relation to race, class, and place. She is also interested in memory and meaning-making in community formation. Her book, Sunbelt Diaspora: Race, Class, and LatinoPolitics in Puerto Rican Orlando, draws on 10 years of ethnographic, oral history, and archival research in Orlando, Florida, and was published by the University of Texas Press in April 2020.

Nathan Stone is a Texas native who spent most of my adult life in Chile where he was very close to the mothers of disappeared Miristas for many years. His proximity to these women was the initial motivation behind his interest in this topic. He has a BA in English from the University of Notre Dame (1979) and an MA in English from the University of Texas, (1987), which equipped him for the kind of textual analysis undertaken in this study. His hope is to make this a chapter of his dissertation, which he will begin to work on in the next year.


