- The Point
The point is not to sit, thigh-to-purse,in pews without masks.The point is not keeping the worldthe way you remember itat a certain age, in a certain place.The point is notto turn the phrase "religious freedom"upside-down and give it spurs,and steel tips.
What happens now is notin a book you read for AP English.It is not a war film basedon relatives in the "Resistance"letting you exhale,to this day, in guilt-free pride.
Standing in contagionand misinformation, what happensor does not happen now is on us.You are the story.If faith is what you claim,straight-up, automaticallyas your hometown, twitter handleor alma mater,if that's the case, you understand
public health is love of neighbor.Love of neighbor is public health. [End Page 157]
Katy Giebenhain is the author of Sharps Cabaret (Mercer University Press). Poems have appeared in, or are forthcoming in New Welsh Review, The Arkansas Review, The Examined Life Journal, The Healing Muse, Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine and elsewhere. www.katygiebenhain.com.