In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received
Amar, Tarik Cyril, The Paradox of Ukrainian Lviv: A Borderland City between Stalinists, Nazis, and Nationalists (Cornell University Press: Ithaca, New York, 2019).
Attias, Jean-Christophe, A Woman Called Moses: A Prophet for our Time, trans. Gregory Elliott (Verso Publishing: London & Brooklyn, NY, 2020).
Baumeister, Martin, Philipp Lenhard, and Ruth Nattermann (editors), Rethinking the Age of Emancipation: Comparative and Transnational Perspectives on Gender, Family, and Religion in Italy and Germany, 1800-1918 (Berghahn Books: New York, 2020).
Brill, Alan, Rabbi on the Ganges: A Jewish-Hindu Encounter (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD, 2020).
Fallenberg, Evan, The Parting Gift: A Novel (Other Press: New York, 2018).
Feuchtwanger, Edgar, with Bertil Scali, Hitler, My Neighbor. Translated from the French by Adriana Hunter (Other Press: New York, paperback edition 2020).
Friedländer, Saul, Where Memory Leads: My Life (Other Press: New York, 2016; paperback edition 2020).
Friedländer, Saul, When Memory Comes. Translated from the French by Helen R. Lane (Other Press: New York, paperback edition 2020).
Friedländer, Saul, Proustian Uncertainties: On Reading and Rereading in Search of Lost Time (Other Press: New York, 2020).
Habib, Jasmin, Israel, Diaspora, and the Routes of National Belonging, 2nd ed. (University of Toronto Press: Toronto, Canada, 2020).
Handlarski, Denise, The A – Z of Inter-Marriage (University of Toronto Press: Toronto, 2020).
Hilmes, Oliver, Berlin 1936: Fascism, Fear, and Triumph set against Hitler's Olympic Games. Translated from German by Jefferson Chase (Other Press: New York, paperback edition 2020).
Horowitz, Brian J., Vladimir Jabotinsky's Russian Years, 1900-1925 (Indiana University Press: Bloomington, 2020).
Kaufman, Frederick, The Money Plot: A History of Currency's Power to Enchant, Control, and Manipulate (Other Press: New York, 2020).
Kirsch, Sharon, The Smallest Objective (New Star Books: Vancouver, 2020).
Koller, Aaron, Unbinding Isaac: The Significance of the Akedah for Modern Jewish Thought (Jewish Publication Society, University of Nebraska Press: Lincoln, NE, 2020).
Kopstein, Jeffrey S. and Jason Wittenberg, Intimate Violence: Anti-Jewish Pogroms on the Eve of the Holocaust (Cornell University Press: Ithaca, 2018).
Lerner, Bernice, All the Horrors of War: A Jewish Girl, a British Doctor, and the Liberation of Bergen-Belsen (Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore, MD, 2020).
Matarasso, Isaac, Talking Until Nightfall: In Memory of Jewish Salonica, 1943 (Bloomsbury Continuum Publishing: London, 2020).
Nevo, Eshkol, The Last Interview: A Novel. Translated from the Hebrew by Sondra Silverston (Other Press: New York, 2020).
Palmquist, Stephen R, Kant and Mysticism: Critique as the Experience of Baring All in Reason's Light (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD, 2019).
Quinn, Carol V. A., Dignity, Justice and the Nazi Data Debate: On Violating the Violated Anew (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD, 2018).
Raucher, Michal S., Conceiving Agency: Reproductive Authority Among Haredi Women (Indiana University Press: Bloomington, 2020).
Rauschenbach, Sina, Judaism for Christians: Menasseh ben Israel (1604-1657), trans. Corey Twitchell (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD, 2020).
Sameth, Mark, The Name: A History of the Dual-Gendered Hebrew Name for God (Wipf & Stock Publishers: Eugene, OR, 2020).
Scult, Mel (editor), Communings of the Spirit: The Journals of Mordecai M. Kaplan. Volume III, 1942-1951 (Wayne State University Press: Detroit, MI, 2020).
Seemann, Daphne Maria, Generation, Gender and Identity: German-Jewish Literature after 1989 (Koningshausen & Neumann: Würzburg, 2020).
Seeskin, Kenneth, Thinking about the Prophets: A Philosopher Reads the Bible (Jewish Publication Society, University of Nebraska Press: Lincoln. NE, 2020).
Seligman, Scott D, The Great Kosher Meat War of 1902: Immigrant Housewives and the Riots that Shook New York City (Potomac Books: Lincoln, NE, 2020).
Shavit, Shabtai, Head of the Mossad: In Pursuit of a Safe and Secure Israel (University of Notre Dame Press: Notre Dame, 2020).
Shechter, Jack, In Search of the Religiosity in Religion: Sacred Thought, Sacred Action Revisited (Oaks Press: Thousand Oaks, CA, 2020).
Solomon, Aryeh, Spiritual Education: the Educational Theory and Practice of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson (Crossroad Publishing Company: New York, 2020).
Stern, Kenneth S, The Conflict over the Conflict: The Israel/Palestine Campus Debate (New Jewish Press, imprint of the University of Toronto Press: Toronto, 2020).
Sweeney, Marvin A., Jewish Mysticism: From Ancient Times Through Today (Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.: Grand Rapids, MI, 2020).
Wexler, Philip (editor), Jewish Spirituality and Social Transformation: Hasidism and Society (Crossroad...

