In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Subject and Author Index

Volume 94

Pagination according to issues:

No. 1 (Spring): 1–178

No. 2 (Summer): 179–318

No. 3 (Fall): 319–542

No. 4 (Winter): 543–778

AAHM Report: 488–517

Afkhami, Amir A., A Modern Contagion: Imperialism and Public Health in Iran's Age of Cholera: 143–44

Ambler, Charles, review by: 303–304

Ameringer, Carl F., U. S. Health Policy and Health Care Delivery: Doctors, Reformers, and Entrepreneurs: 312–13

Ancient Egypt: histories of medicine and capitalism (Chapin): 319–67

Antisepsis: Joseph Lister and types of knowledge in 19th c. British surgery Schlich: 394–422

Asia: dengue and yellow fever in (Meer-wijk): 215–43

Auschwitz Monowitz: medical innovation and human experimentation in (Czech, Ungvari, Uzarczyk, Weindling & Gazdag): 244–66

Awde, Walter: medieval medical compendium (Voigts & Welch): 459–87

Ballenger, Jesse, review by: 538–39

Bamji, Alexandra, "Blowing Smoke Up Your Arse: Drowning, Resuscitation, and Public Health in Eighteenth-Century Venice": 29–63; review by: 528–29

Barr, Justin, Of Life and Limb: Surgical Repair of the Arteries in War and Peace, 1880–1960: 531–33

Bartoš, Hynek, review by: 133–35

Beaumond, Henry: medieval medical compendium (Voigts & Welch): 459–87

Biopolitics: premature babies, and the definition of life in England and Wales, 1836–1960 (Durbach): 64–90

Black Plague: "The Dramaturgy of Epidemics" (Cohn): 578–89

Böhmer, Maria, The Man Who Crucified Himself: Readings of a Medical Case in Nineteenth-Century Europe: 528–29

Bonea, Amelia, Melissa Dickson, Sally Shuttleworth, and Jennifer Wallis, Anxious Times: Medicine and Modernity in Nineteenth-Century Britain: 302–303

Bouras-Vallianatos, Petros, and Sophia Xenophontos, eds., Greek Medical Literature and Its Readers: From Hippocrates to Islam and Byzantium: 522–23

Braswell, Harold, The Crisis of US Hospice Care: Family and Freedom at the End of Life: 538–39

Brazelton, Mary Augusta, Mass Vaccination: Citizens' Bodies and State Power in Modern China: 534–36

Britain: and the histories of medicine and capitalism (Chapin): 319–67

Brown, Diana, The Unconventional Career of Dr. Muriel Bell: 170–71

Brownlee, Peter John, The Commerce of Vision: Optical Culture and Perception in Antebellum America: 147–48

Buddhism: role of in the development of medicine in Late Imperial China (Scheid): 1–28

Bump, Jesse B., review by: 310–311

Burney, Ian, and Christopher Hamlin, eds., Global Forensic Cultures: Making Fact and Justice in the Modern Era: 306–308

Callard, Felicity, "Epidemic Time: Thinking from the Sickbed": 727–43

Capitalism: and historians of medicine (Chapin): 319–67

Carmichael, Ann G., review by: 525–26

Case histories: Joseph Lister and types of knowledge in 19th c. British surgery Schlich: 394–422

"Casebooks: The Casebooks of Simon Forman and Richard Napier, 1596–1634: A Digital Edition," ed. Lauren Kassell, et al.: 128–29 [End Page 764]

Chapin, Christy Ford, "What Historians of Medicine Can Learn from Historians of Capitalism": 319–67; "Reply: What Historians of Medicine Can Learn from Historians of Capitalism": 388–93

Chile: Latin American public health history (Espinosa): 627–36

China: development of medicine in Late Imperial era (Scheid): 1–28

Chinese medicine: development of in Late Imperial era (Scheid): 1–28

Cholera: "The Dramaturgy of Epidemics" (Cohn): 578–89

Chronic illness: and epidemics (Callard): 727–43

Class: and typhus in 18th c. London (Siena): 590–601

Clinical trials: and French immunization schedules, 1959–99 (Thomas): 423–58

Cohn, Jr., Samuel K.: "The Dramaturgy of Epidemics": 578–89

Colonial: epidemics from Hong Kong (Peckham): 658–69

Conis, Elena, review by: 518–19

Cooper, Amy, State of Health: Pleasure and Politics in Venezuelan Health Care under Chavez: 315–16

COVID-19: and the dramaturgy of epidemics (Cohn): 578–89; and the racial scripting of epidemic disparities (Wailoo): 602–26; and Latin American public health history (Espinosa): 627–36; and epidemics in Hong Kong (Peckham): 658–69; epidemics and disability (Wilson): 700–709; epidemics and professional nursing (Fairman): 710–26; thinking from the sick bed (Callard): 727–43

Crawshaw, Jane Stevens, review by: 523–25 Crisis: epidemics in Hong Kong (Peckham): 658...

