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T'angStudies 6 (1988) WESTERN-LANGUAGE WORKS ON T'ANG STUDIES, 1987 This bibliography attempts to be as complete as possible for Western-language works on T'ang studies published - not necessarily dated-in 1987. A few items not included in earlier bibliographies are also listed. It should be noted that some books and articles included here are only partly concerned with the T'ang; the criterion for inclusion in such cases is that the work deal with aT' ang topic in more than an incidental, albeit less than exclusive, fashion. The bibliography is divided into three sections - (I) Books, (II) Articles and Research Notes, and (III) Dissertations. Omissions should be brought to the attention of the Editor, for inclusion in future lists. I. BOOKS Buddhist and Taoist Practice in Medieval Chinese Society: Buddhist and Taoist Studies II. Ed. David W. Chappell. Asian Studies at Hawaii, 34. Honolulu: Dniv. of Hawaii, 1987. Contributions aux etudes de Touen-houang, Vol. III. Ed. Michel Soymie. Publications de l'Ecole Fran~aise d'Extreme-Orient, vol. 135. Paris: L'Ecole Fran~aise d'Extreme-Orient, 1984. Demieville, Paul. Le Concile de Lhasa. Reprint. Bibliotheque de 1'Institut des Hautes Etudes Chinoises, 7. Paris: College de France, Institut des Hautes Etudes Chinoises, 1987. Emmerich, Reinhard. Li Ao (ca. 772-ca. 841): Ein chinesisches Gelehrtenleben. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1987. 125 Bibliography Engelhardt, Ute. Die klassische Tradition der Qi-ilbungen (Qigong): Eine Darstellung anhand des Tang-zeitlichen Textes Fuqi jingyi lun von Sima Chengzhen. Miinchener Ostasiatische Studien, 44. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1987. Hildebrand, Joachim. Das Ausliinderbild in der Kunst Chinas als Spiegel kultureller Beziehungen (Han- Tang). Miinchener Ostasiatische Studien, 46. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1987. Kohn, Livia. Seven Steps to the Tao: Sima Chengzhen's Zuowanglun. Monumenta Serica Monograph Series, 20. Nettetal: Steyler Verlag- Wort und Werk, 1987. Larsen, Jeanne, trans. Brocade River Poems: Selected Works of the Tang Dynasty Courtesan Xue Tao. Lockert Library of Poetry in Translation. Princeton: Princeton Uniy. Press, 1987. Mair, Victor H. Four Introspective Poets:A Concordance to Selected Poems by Roan lyi, Chern Tzyy-arng,lang leouling, and Lii Bor. Center for Asian Studies, Monograph NO.2. Tempe: Center for Asian Studies, Arizona State Uniy., 1987. Malek, Roman. Das Chai-chieh lu: Materia/en zur Liturgie im Taoismus. Wiirzburger Sino-Japonica, 14. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1985. McRae, John R. The Northern School and the Formation of Early Ch'an Buddhism . Kuroda Institute, Studies in East Asian Buddhism, 3. Honolulu: Uniy. of Hawaii Press, 1987. 126 T'ang Studies 6 (198&) Powell, William F., trans. The Record of Tung-shan. Kuroda Institute, Classics in East Asian Buddhism. Honolulu: Univ. of Hawaii Press, 1986. Religion und Philosophie in Ostasien: Festschrift fur Hans Steiningerzum 65. Geburtstag. Ed. Gert Naundorf, Karl-Heinz Pohl, Hans-Hermann Schmidt. Wiirzburg: Konigshausen und Neumann, 1985. Stein, Rolf A. Le Mond en petit: Jardins en miniature et habitations dans la pensee religieused'Extreme-Orient. Paris: Flammarion, 1987. (Contains revised versions of "Jardins en miniature d'Extreme -Orient" and "L'habitation, aspects reels," and newly published "Le monde et l'architecture dans la pensee religieuse .") Traditions of Meditation in Chinese Buddhism. Ed. Peter N. Gregory. Kuroda Institute, Studies in East Asian Buddhism, 4. Honolulu: Univ. of Hawaii Press, 1986. Weinstein, Stanley. Buddhism Under the T'ang. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1987. Yu, Pauline. The Reading of Imagery in the Chinese Poetic Tradition. Princeton : Princeton Univ. Press, 1987. II. ARTICLES AND RESEARCH NOTES Benn, Charles. "Religious Aspects of Emperor Hsiian-tsung's Taoist Ideology ," in Buddhist and Taoist Practice, pp. 127-145. Chappell, David W. "From Dispute to Dual Cultivation: Pure Land Responses to Ch'an Critics," in Traditions, pp. 163-197. 127 Bibliography Drege, Jean-Pierre. "Les accordeons de Dunhuang," in Contributions III, pp. 195204 . Eliasberg, Danielle. "Quelques aspects du grand exorcisme no aTouen-houang," in Contributions III, pp. 237-253. Faure, Bernard. "Le maitre de dhyana Chih-ta et Ie 'subitisme' de l'ecole du Nord," Cahiers d'Extreme-Asie 2 (1986). 123-132. "One-Practice Samadhi in Early Ch'an," in Traditions, pp.99-128. Forte, Antonino. "La secte des trois stades et l'heresie de Devadatta," Bulletin de ['Ecole Franfaise d'Extreme-Orient 74 (1985),469-476. Hamilton...

