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In 1955 Professor E.G. PULLEYBLANK. faulted Western historians for ignoring China in the arena ofworld history. Thirty-five years later, the world is inunensely enriched by EGP's substantive, pioneer work not only inT'ang history and historiography, but also in linguistics, philology, philosophy, and literature. Someone once said that he could see farther than others only because of the giants on whose shoulders he stood. Indeed, as students of Chinese studies, we have benefitted from and continue to be stimulated by Professor Pulleyblank's broad erudition, expert guidance, and exacting standards. The initiative to honor Professor Pulleyblank involved more individuals than the authors of papers included in this very modest tribute volume. We acknowledge and thank the support and encouragement of his other former students, Roger Ames, Mark Elvin, Grace Fong, Shih Feng-yii, Margaret South, and Donald Sutton, who join us in honoring an inspiring teacher and an outstanding scholar. Thanks are particularly due to Paul W. Kroll for his careful editing. We thank also T'ang Studies for providing the forum to express collectively our deep gratitude and enduring respect to a giant of sinology and to a scholar of the highest distinction. Jennifer W. Jay and K.M. Marjorie Chan T'angStudies 7 (1989) Publications of Edwin G. Pulleyblank (to May 1990) BOOKS 1955 The Background of the Rebellion of An Lu-shan. London: Oxford Uniy. Press. Chinese History and World History: An Inaugural Lecture. Cambridge: Cambridge Uniy. Press. 1961 Historians of China and Japan, ed. with W.G. Beasley. London: Oxford Univ. Press. 1984 Middle Chinese: A Study in Historical Phonology. Vancouver: Uniy. of British Columbia Press. 1989 Studies in Language Origins,vol. 1, ed. Jan Wind, Edwin G. Pulleyblank , Eric de Grolier and Bernard H. Bichakjian. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: Benjamins. ARTICLES 1950 "The Tzyjyh tongjiann kaoyih and the Sources for the History of the Period 730-763," BSOAS 13: 448-73. 1952 "A Sogdian colony in Inner Mongolia," TP 41: 319-52. "An Rokuzan no shutsuji ni tsuite," SZ 61: 329-45. 1953 "An Rokuzan no hanran no seijiteki haikaei," TG 35: 92-205, 332-57. 3 Pu11eybkmk Publications "Gentry Society," BSOAS 15: 488-597. 1954 "China," pp. 57-81 in D. Sinor, ed., Orientalism and History. Cambridge: W. Heffer and Sons. Revised edition 1970,pp. 6892 . "The Date of the Stael-Holstein Roll," AM 4: 90-97. "A Geographical Text of the Eighth Century," Silver Jubilee Volume of the Zinbun Kagaku Kenkyusyo, Kyoto University, pp.301-8. 1956 "Some Remarks on the Toquzoghuz Problem," UAJ28: 35-42. "Chinese History and World History," SMJ n.s. 7: 1-21. 1957 "The Shun-tsung shih-Iu," review article, BSOAS 19: 336-44. Obituary of Arthur Christopher Moule, JRAS, p. 281. 1958 "A Case of Sandhi?" AM 6: 200-2. "The Origins and Nature of Chattel Slavery in China," JESHO 1: 185-200. 1959 "Fei ~~, wei PfE and Certain Related Words," pp. 178-89 in S. Egerod and E. Glahn, eds., Studia Serica Bernhard Karlgren Dedicata. Copenhagen: Munksgaard. "Liu K'o, A Forgotten Rival of Han Yii," AM7: 145-60. 1960 "Studies in Early Chinese Grammar, Part I,"AM 8: 36-67. 4 Tang Studies 7 (1989) 1961 "Chinese Historical Criticism: Uu Chih-chi and Ssu-ma Kuang," pp. 135-66 in Beasley and Pulleyblank, eds., Historians of China and Japan. "Registration of Population in China in the Sui and T'ang Periods," JESHO 4: 289-30l. 1962 "The Consonantal System of Old Chinese," AM9: 58-144, 206-65. 1963 "An Interpretation of the Vowel Systems of Old Chinese and Written Burmese," AM 10: 200-2l. 1964 "The Origins of the Chinese Tonal System," abstract, p. 599, Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists. The Hague: Mouton. "I-hsing's Chain of Gnomons and the Pre-history of the Metric System," VlStas in Astronomy 4: 3-28 (with A. Beer, Ho Pingyu , Lu Gwei-djen, J. Needham and G.Y. Thompson). "The Historiographical Tradition," pp. 143-64in Raymond Dawson , ed., The Legacy of China. London: Oxford Univ. Press. Dutch translation: "De historiografische traditie," pp. 153-73 in De Chinese Traditie. Amsterdam: De Arbeiderspres, 1973. 1965 "Close/Open Ablaut in Sino-Tibetan," pp. 230-40...

