

This article substantiates the need for a gender-sensitive approach to research on the economic behavior of inhabitants of the Arctic in the context of the region's industrial development. The article also emphasizes one category of the economic behavior of the indigenous peoples of the North as a separate subject of research in the field of economic sociology. The purpose of the article is the development of a model of economic behavior of the residents of the Arctic in the context of industrial development in the region based on the use of methods of sociological research. The paper presents findings of research carried out in areas of the Russian Arctic where industrialization is underway, as well as the findings of a gender-sensitive survey focused on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the indigenous peoples. The principal characteristics and trends of male and female economic behavior under conditions of industrial development of the Arctic have been defined from a gender-sensitive perspective by means of an example of the Arctic areas of the Sakha Republic (Iakutiia).

The article offers gender-sensitive mechanisms for managerial decision making and the elimination of gender inequality in view of findings of sociological surveys in the framework of ethnic expert study and ethnosocial monitoring of the projects, as well as the development of programs of social and economic development of the region with reference to the opinions and preferences of women and men.

