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  • Contributors

Liza Blake is Associate Professor of English at the University Toronto, working at the intersection of literature, science, and philosophy in early modernity. She has produced two scholarly editions—Margaret Cavendish's Poems and Fancies: A Digital Critical Edition (, and (with Kathryn Vomero Santos) Arthur Golding's A Moral Fabletalk and Other Renaissance Fable Translations—as well as the edited collection Lucretius and Modernity (edited with Jacques Lezra). She has articles published and forthcoming in the journals postmedieval, SEL, ELR, and Criticism and is currently at work on both a monograph entitled Early Modern Literary Physics, and a multimodal monograph entitled Choose Your Own Poems and Fancies: A Digital Edition and Study of Margaret Cavendish's Atom Poems.

Victoria E. Burke is Associate Professor of English at the University of Ottawa. She has published widely on early modern women's manuscript writing, most recently on how late seventeenth-century women read Katherine Philips. She is the editor of Aphra Behn's Seneca Unmasqued for the forthcoming Cambridge University Press edition of the complete works of Behn, and she has an article forthcoming on Madame de Sablé, Behn, and the maxim. She is completing a monograph provisionally called Compiling and Creating: Devotional Manuscript Writing by Seventeenth-Century Women.

Julie Crawford is Mark van Doren Professor of Humanities in the Department of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University. She has published widely on authors ranging from William Shakespeare and John Fletcher to Anne Clifford and Mary Wroth, and on topics ranging from the history of reading to the history of sexuality. She is the author of a book about cheap print and the English reformation entitled Marvelous Protestantism (Johns Hopkins UP, 2005), and Mediatrix: Women, Politics and Literary Production in Early Modern England (Oxford UP, 2014). She is currently completing a book called "Margaret Cavendish's Political Career."

Lara Dodds is Professor of English at Mississippi State University. She is the author of The Literary Invention of Margaret Cavendish and has published widely on Milton, Cavendish and early modern women's writing.

Frances E. Dolan is Distinguished Professor of English at the University of California, Davis. She is the author of five books, most recently Digging the Past: How and Why to Imagine Seventeenth-Century Agriculture (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020), as well as numerous editions, books for students, and essays. She has provided amplified editions and curations for twelve poems for The Pulter Project, collaborating with Samantha Snively on two of them.

Kailey Giordano is Lecturer in the Revelle College Humanities Program at the University of California, San Diego, and Lecturer in the English Department at the University of San Diego. She received her Ph.D. in Literature from the University of California, San Diego. She also holds an M.A. in Literature from the University of California, San Diego. Her work on early modern England revises scholarship about the presumed literary response to the intensified exploitation of nature in an agrarian-capitalist economy. She is currently adapting this research for her book-length project entitled Miranda's Daughters: Women's Ecological Thinking in Seventeenth-Century English Literature.

Leah Knight is Associate Professor of Early Modern Non-Dramatic Literature in the Department of English Language and Literature at Brock University, Canada. She is the author of two monographs—Of Books and Botany in Early Modern England (2009) and Reading Green in Early Modern England (2014)—both winners of the British Society for Literature and Science prize. With Elizabeth Sauer and Micheline White, she edited Women's Bookscapes in Early Modern Britain: Reading, Ownership, Circulation (2018). With Wendy Wall, she is general editor of The Pulter Project: Poet in the Making.

Elizabeth Zeman Kolkovich is Associate Professor of English at Ohio State University and the author of The Elizabethan Country House Entertainment: Print, Performance, and Gender (Cambridge, 2016). Her work on early modern drama and women writers has appeared in such journals as English Literary Renaissance, Shakespeare Quarterly, and Shakespeare Bulletin. Most recently, she published an essay on the reading and patronage of Elizabeth Stanley Hastings (Countess of Huntingdon) in Women's Labour and the History of the Book in Early Modern England (Bloomsbury...

