In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Erratum for Vol. 38, No. 1, 2020

The Nolan et al. caption for Figure 2 incorrectly labeled the treatment bars. It should read:

Figure 2. The average growth rate (cm3/day) of the shrubs Artemisia californica (ARCA), Extriplex californica (EXCA), and Frankenia salina (FRSA) and the grasses Elymus triticoides (ELTR), Hordeum brachyantherum (HOBR) and Stipa pulchra (STPU) in the four soil amendments (bars from left to right under each species are Control, Biochar, Gypsum, and Mulch; panels A&B) and the fertil-izer treatment (bars from left to right under each species are fertilizer and no fertilizer; panels C & D). All error bars represent ± SE and letters represent the results from a two-way ANOVA for each species. The absence of letters or asterisks means no significant differences were found.


