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  • Index


Aaron ‘the Great’ of Karlin 52 n. 3, 60, 63

Aaron (the Second) of Karlin 155

Aaron Halevi of Staroselye 156

Abraham Gershon of Kuty 68

Abraham ibn Ezra 23 n. 29

Abraham Jacob of Sadegura, R. 73–4 n. 88, 155

Abraham of Kalisk 58–60, 156

Abraham of Slonim, R. 69

Abraham of Trisk (Turzysk) 165, 167

Abramowicz, Witold 471

Abramowicz, Władysław 492

Abramsky, R. Yehezkel 364

Abras, Ozjasz 277

Adelkind, Daniel 178

Aescoli, Aaron Ze’ev 72

Agnon, S. Y. 120–1

Agudas Achim association 271, 274

Agudat Yisrael (Agudas Yisroel) 288, 291–3, 301, 306, 340, 352–3, 357–8, 367, 375

  adoption of Beit Ya’akov schools 345–6

  Agudat Yisrael Girls, see Benot Agudat Yisra’el

  Agudat Yisrael Youth, see Tse’irei Agudat Yisra’el

Ahad Ha’am (Asher Hirsh Ginsberg) 73–4 n. 88

Akiva, R. 408, 418

alcohol monopoly, disputes about 455–7

Alexander I, Tsar 141

Alexander II, Tsar 200

Alfasi, R. Isaac 178

Allerhand, Maurycy 231–2

All-Ukrainian Archaeological Committee 229

Alsberg, Henry 464

Alter, R. Abraham Mordecai (Gerer Rebbe; Imrei Emes) 294, 308, 342, 345, 375–9, 403, 405

Alter, R. Isaac Meir (Rim) 372, 396

Alter, Israel, R. 378, 405

Alter, Lieber 383

Alter, R. Ya’akov Aryeh 118 (Fig. 2)

Althaus, Eliyahu Hayim 331–2

Altman, Abraham 395

Anderson, Benedict 309

An-sky, S. 222, 226, 228–9, 289


  Christian 525

  Nazi 525

  in Paris 521

  in Poland 491, 509

  in Vilna 469

  see also Christian–Jewish relations

appearance, Jewish 411

  maintained during Holocaust 382–400, 404

Apt, see Opatów

Arad, Yitshak 379

Aramaic, prayers in 35–8

Asher ben Yehiel, R. 175–82

  Piskei harosh 177

Ashkenazy, Severyn 433

Assaf, David 7–8

assimilation 291

Association of Jewish Physicians 508

Association of the Students of the Tomkhei Temimim Yeshiva (Hanikhei Yeshivat Tomkhei Temimim) 317–18

Auerbach, R. Israel Matityahu, Shomer yisra’el 194

Auschwitz death camp 393, 405, 522

  imagined seder in 416

  nakedness of women in 414

Avrutin, Eugene 442

Awin, Józef 220–1, 230–2

Azulai, Hayim Yosef (Hida) 105


Ba’al Shem Tov (the Besht; Israel ben Eliezer) 93, 124, 126, 224, 328

  as seen by Romantics 5

  beit midrash in Mezhbizh (Międzybóż) 225

  historiography 7, 199, 213–14

  joking reference to beating 68

  and magic 189–90, 192

  pilgrimage to 208–9

Bach, Alexander von 254–5

Bais Yaakov, see Beit Ya’akov

Bałaban, Majer 12, 220, 262

Barukh, Isaac 105 [End Page 535]

Basan, Zadok 128, 132 (Fig. 12)

Batyah 347

Bauer, Yehuda 501

Baumel, Judith 421

beards 141

  see also appearance, Jewish


  joking reference to by the Besht 68

  ordered by rabbi 52–5

  as sign of joy 67–75

Beer-Hofmann, Richard 359

Beinish, R. Benjamin, of Krotshin, Shem tov katan 188

Beit Ya’akov 305, 376

  early history 340

  schools 11, 300–3, 307, 339–69

  summer courses 355

Belina-Prażmowski, Colonel 470–1

Belzer Rebbe, see Roke’ah, R. Issachar Dov

Ben-Sefer, Ellen 421

Benedict XIV, Pope, on mixed marriages 251

Benisch, Pearl 342, 421

Benot Agudat Yisra’el (Bnoys Agudas Yisroel; Agudat Yisrael Girls) 302, 347

Benski family 477

bentsherlekh (blessing booklets) 99

Berdyczewski, Micha Yosef 72, 352

Berger, Israel 200

Bergman, Stefan 463, 478–9

Bernstein, Herman 485

Bersohn, Mathias 219–20

Bertinoro, R. Obadiah 19, 26

Besht, the, see Ba’al Shem Tov

Betsalel, R. Moshe 382, 388–9

Beyer, Karol 128, 131 (Fig. 11)

Biberfeld, R. Eduard 351

Bieberstein, Aleksander 398

Billikopf, Jacob 464

Blady-Szwajger, Adina 513

Bleich, Judith 422

Blumenthal, Tsilah 380

Bnoys Agudas Yisroel, see Benot Agudat Yisra’el

Bobover Rebbe, see Halberstam, R. Ben-Zion

Bogen, Boris 465, 487–8

Boguchwalski, Józef 456


  in Poland 491

  in Vilna 466–77

Bolshevism 467

Bomba, Abraham 523

Bomberg, Daniel 175

‘bond of reading’, definition 105

Borwicz, Michał 524

Brandstetter, Mordecai David 71–2

Brandt, Emanuel 222

Braude, Markus 275, 277, 280

Braun, R. Israel, of Zawiercie 390

Brawer, Avraham Ya’akov 259–60

Brayer, R. Nahum Dov 119 (Fig. 3)

Breiter, Isaac 304

Bresler, Moses 222

Breuer, Isaac 359, 367

Brin, Yossele 398

Brody, Richard...

