In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to Volume 30


A constant border-crossing: Conversion and evangelical charismatic Christian identity among the Roma in Estonia and Latvia. Eva-Liisa Roht-Yilmaz 30: 89

Beginning of Romani Literature: The Case of Alexander Germano. Elena Marushiakova and Vesselin Popov 30: 135

Finding a voice: The Slovak-Roma woman writer in Irish and Czech fiction. Charles Sabatos 30: 181

"Good soldiers and even heroes" or From the history of the Roma in Croatia and Slavonia during the First World War. Danijel Vojak 30: 1

Introductory words to the special issue by the guest editors. Sofiya Zahova, Lorely French, and Marina Ortrud M. Hertrampf 30: 127

Language and literature of Roma within translation in the Western Balkans: Poetry in self-translation. Hedina Tahirović-Sijerčić, book reviewed by Sofiya Zahova 30: 273

Literary Negotiations of Hybrid Identity: French Narratives on Young Female Romani Migrants in France–A Case Study. Marina Ortrud M. Hertrampf 30: 201

Rethinking Roma. Identities, Politicisation and New Agendas. Ian Law and Martin Kovats, book reviewed by Małgorzata Kołaczek 30: 121

Review of the latest publications on Bronisława Wajs-Papusza in Poland. Bronisława Wajs-Papusza. Między biografią a legendą [Bronisława Wajs-Papusza: Between biography and legend] (Magdalena Machowska); Papusza (Angelika Kuźniak); Bronisława Wajs-Papusza (1908–1987): biografia i dziedzictwo [Bronisława Wajs-Papusza (1908–1987): biography and legacy]. Dariusz A. Rymar, ed., books reviewed by Emilia Kledzik 30: 267

Romani literary endeavours in the Czech Republic. A historical survey. Karolína Ryvolová 30: 163

Romani literature and its digital forms. Sofiya Zahova 30: 243

The concept of baxt in the bilingual short-story collection glucksmacher–e baxt romani by Samuel Mago and Karoly Mago. Lorely French 30: 217

The forced assimilation Gypsy policy in Socialist Hungary. Tamás Hajnáczky 30: 49

The memory of the Spanish Gypsies: Scholarship, oral history and archive research. Carmen Cañete Quesada 30: 15

Цыгане [Gypsies]. N. G. Demeter and A. V. Chernykh, eds., book reviewed by Jekatyerina Dunajeva 30: 115


Cañete-Quesada, Carmen 30: 15

Dunajeva, Jekatyerina 30: 115

French, Lorely 30: 127, 30: 217

Hajnáczky, Tamás 30: 49

Hertrampf, Marina Ortrud M 30: 127, 30: 201

Kledzik, Emilia 30: 267

Kołaczek, Małgorzata 30: 121

Marushiakova, Elena 30: 135

Popov, Vesselin 30: 135

Roht-Yilmaz, Eva-Liisa 30: 89

Ryvolová, Karolína 30: 163

Sabatos, Charles 30: 181

Vojak, Danijel 30: 1

Zahova, Sofiya 30: 127, 30: 243, 30: 273 [End Page 279]


Alexander Germano 30: 135

Anina Ciuciu 30: 201

archives (in Spain) 30: 15

audiobooks 30: 243

Austrian Roma 30: 217

Austro-Hungarian Army 30: 1

baxt 30: 217

Colum McCann 30: 181

Croatia 30: 1

Czech literature 30: 181

Czech Republic/Czechoslovakia 30: 163

dictatorship (in Spain) 30: 15

digital literature 30: 243

digitization 30: 243

e-books 30: 243

ethnic identity

of the Roma in Estonia and Latvia 30: 89

of the Roma in USSR: 30: 135

Slovak-Roma 30: 181

ethnicity (in USSR) 30: 135

evangelical Christianity 30: 89

First World War 30: 1

forced assimilation 30: 49

France 30: 201

Francisco Franco 30: 15

globalization 30: 243

Glück 30: 217

Gypsies/Gitanos/Calé 30: 15

Gypsy in Socialist era 30: 49

Gypsy policy in Hungary 30: 49

happiness 30: 217

hybrid identity 30: 201

historical memory 30: 15

Hungary 30: 49

in-between 30: 201

Informační zpravodaj 30: 163

Irena Eliášová 30: 181

Irish literature 30: 181

Károly Mágó 30: 217

literary fields 30: 163

literature in Romani 30: 217

Lucie Land 30: 201

luck 30: 217

migration 30: 201

minor literature 30: 181

minority press 30: 163


evangelical 30: 89

morality 30: 89


concept of in Socialist Hungary 30: 49

online publishing 30: 243

oral testimonies 30: 15

progenitor (of Romani literature) 30: 135

Roma 30: 1, 89

authors 30: 243

in the Baltics 30: 89

in Estonia and Latvia 30: 89

in fiction 30: 181

Romani literature 30: 135, 30: 181, 30: 217, 30: 243

Romani writing 30: 163

Romania 30: 201

Románo ľil 30: 163

Samuel Mago 30: 217

scholarship 30: 15

Slavonia 30: 1

Slovak literature 30...

