- China–Asean Relations July 2020 To September 2020:Important Documents
16 July 2020 | Joint Statement of the ASEAN and China Transport Ministers on Ensuring Smooth Transport and Logistics to Combat Covid-19 and Reactivate the Economy <https://asean.org/storage/2020/07/ATM-China-JMS-on-COVID-19.pdf> |
24 August 2020 | Vientiane Declaration of the Third Lancang–Mekong Cooperation Leaders' Meeting <http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-08/24/c_139314536.htm> |
25 August 2020 | ASEAN Plus Three Plan of Action on Mitigating the Economic Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic <https://asean.org/storage/2020/08/ASEAN-Plus-Three-Plan-of-Action-on-COVID19-FINAL.pdf> |
27 August 2020 | Joint Media Statement of the Eighth Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Ministerial Meeting <https://asean.org/storage/2020/08/RCEP-MM-8-JMS.pdf> |
27 August 2020 | Joint Media Statement of the 19th ASEAN Economic Ministers–Chinese Ministry of Commerce Consultations <https://asean.org/storage/2020/08/JMS-AEM-MOFCOM-19-FINAL-27.08.20.pdf> |
28 August 2020 | Joint Media Statement of the Eighth East Asia Summit Economic Ministers' Meeting <https://asean.org/storage/2020/08/JMS-of-the-8th-EAS-EMM.pdf> |
28 August 2020 | Joint Media Statement of the 23rd ASEAN Economic Ministers Plus Three Consultation <https://asean.org/storage/2020/08/JMS-AEM-Plus-Three-23-FINAL-28.08.20.pdf> |
28 August 2020 | Joint Media Statement of the Fourth ASEAN Economic Ministers–Hong Kong Consultations <https://asean.org/storage/2020/08/JMS-AEM-HKC-4-FINAL-28.08.20.pdf> |
9 September 2020 | Chairman's Statement of the 21st ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers' Meeting <https://asean.org/storage/2020/09/Final-Chairmans-Statement-of-21st-ASEAN-Plus-Three-Foreign-Ministers-Me….pdf> |
9 September 2020 | Chairman's Statement of the ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference 10+1 Session with China <https://asean.org/storage/2020/09/Final-Chairmans-Statement-of-the-PMC-Plus-One-Sessions-with-China.pdf> |
9 September 2020 | Chairman's Statement of the 10th East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers' Meeting <https://asean.org/storage/2020/09/Final-Chairmans-Statement-of-the-10th-East-Asia-Summit-Foreign-Ministers-Meeting.pdf> |
9 September 2020 | Joint Communiqué of the 53rd ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting <https://asean.org/storage/2020/09/FINAL-Joint-Communique-of-the-53rd-AMM.pdf> |
12 September 2020 | Chairman's Statement of the 27th ASEAN Regional Forum <https://asean.org/storage/2020/09/Final-27th-ARF-Chairman-Statement_as-of-13-September-2020-clean.pdf> |
18 September 2020 | Joint Statement of the 23rd ASEAN Plus Three Finance Ministers' and Central Bank Governors' Meeting <https://asean.org/storage/2020/09/Final-200918_Joint-Statement-of-the-23rd-AFMGM-3.pdf> |
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