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  • Contributors

Heather Bailey earned her MA in Renaissance literature at The University of York and her PhD in English at Florida State University. She is currently Assistant Professor of English at Alcorn State University. Her article entitled "'She'll Eat Delicately': Harvesting the Female Body in John Fletcher and Philip Massinger's The Sea Voyage" is forthcoming in the peer-reviewed collection Of Man Eating Men: Medieval and Early Modern Cannibalism from Brill publishers.

Matthew Ehrlich is a doctoral candidate in modern European history at the University of California, San Diego. He is broadly interested in the Spanish empire, with a particular focus on the historical role of global colonialism in the formation of European nationalisms. He is currently in Madrid researching his dissertation, a trans-Atlantic study on the evolution of pro-colonial ideology among Spanish immigrants enlisted in the paramilitary Voluntarios of Cuba, during the last thirty years of Spanish colonial rule on the island (1868–1898).

Kelsey J. Ihinger completed her dissertation in 2019 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research focuses on the representation of England in early modern Spanish texts and on England's impact on Spain's imperial identity. She has worked most recently at SUNY Geneseo and the University of South Carolina teaching general education courses in the Humanities and Spanish.

Miriam Leung Che Lau is lecturer at The College of Professional and Continuing Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She obtained the [End Page 123] Bachelor of Arts (with first class honors) in English and Comparative Literature, and also the Master of Philosophy in English Literature from The University of Hong Kong. She then furthered her doctoral studies in the U.K. and received the Doctor of Philosophy from the Shakespeare Institute in the University of Birmingham. With her research interests in drama and Shakespeare, Dr. Lau has co-authored a book on Teaching Shakespeare to ESL Students. She has also published journal papers in Shakespeare Survey and Shakespeare Jahrbuch.

Hillary M. Nunn is Professor of English at The University of Akron, where she studies Shakespeare, Renaissance literary culture, and cookery books. She is the author of Staging Anatomies: Dissection and Tragedy in the Early Stuart Era (Ashgate, 2005) as well as several articles addressing early modern domestic medicine, and she is a co-founding member of the Early Modern Recipes Online Collective.

José Juan Villagrana is Assistant Professor of English and Comparative Literature at San José State University. His current book project, "Racial Apocalypse in the Early Modern World," shows how apocalyptic thought in England and Spain organized the racial castes they imputed to the native peoples in their colonies; how their respective assertions of universal political supremacy emerged alongside their self-fashioning of racial identity; and how the modern concept of racial war has its cultural origins in early modern apocalyptic thought. [End Page 124]


