In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to volume 12
Chabert, Alicia and Rosa Agost, Communicative language teaching: is there a place for L1 in L2 learning? A case study in Spain and Norway 55
Garvía, Roberto and Andrés Santana, The linguistic regime in Catalan Schools: some survey results 85
Giles, Amanda, Bedrettin Yazan and Ufuk Keles, Educational language policies in the United States: a critical discourse analysis of ELPA21 5
Kelly, Michael, Editorial 1
Kelly, Michael, Editorial 133
Kraeva, Irina and Natalia Guermanova, Language policy of the Russian Federation: searching for balance among 150 languages 135
Oyama, Mayo and Saeri Yamamoto, Pluralistic approaches for Japanese university students preparing to study abroad 29
Sharma, Abhimanyu, Power, ideology and language policies in Scotland 163
Soler, Josep and Iker Erdocia, Language policy and the status of languages in contemporary Catalonia: a public debate 215
Whyte, Shona, Moving with the times: new developments in languages in French higher education contexts 193
Yelubayeva, Perizat and Aliya Mustafina, Developing Kazakh students' intercultural awareness and communication through collaborative technologies 235
Call for a Multilingual Cities Movement 129
Council of Europe, The use of languages by local and regional authorities 126
Council of the European Union, A comprehensive approach to the teaching and learning of languages 109
Eurydice Report, The teaching of regional or minority languages in schools in Europe 122
Kelly, Michael, Languages and the coronavirus crisis 257

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