In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • JHP Announcements

master classes in the history of philosophy sponsored by the journal of the history of philosophy

Mindful of the challenges facing young scholars working in the history of philosophy, the Board of Directors of the Journal of the History of Philosophy has established a program of Master Classes in the History of Philosophy. The central idea of the program is that a senior scholar who works primarily in some area of the history of philosophy undertakes to direct an intensive week of master classes for the benefit of a small group of recent Ph.D.s whose main research and teaching are in the relevant area. Normally, the classes will focus on one or more texts that are typically not part of material that the participants would have studied as graduate students. The goal of the program is the enhancement of the expertise and understanding of the young scholars in their area of specialization.

The 2020 Master Classes have been postponed to 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The JHP is not soliciting new class members for 2021.


"Epictetus and Later Stoicism"


Brad Inwood (Yale University)

Course Description:

Stoicism as a philosophical movement lasted for over 500 years and evolved considerably in that time. Epictetus is the most important philosopher of the later phase of the school's development. He ran a Stoic school in northwestern Greece where, in addition to teaching the doctrines of the earlier, 'classical' period of the school, he also gave intensely philosophical public lectures to a wider audience. It is those lectures that we have access to, in the redaction made by his student Arrian. The class will consist of a close study of these lectures (the four books of so-called Discourses) both to gain insight into the doctrines of the earlier school and to understand how Epictetus developed those doctrines in his own work. The class will read the whole of the Discourses, including a careful reading of a generous selection of them in Greek, as well as a few pieces of important secondary literature.

The JHP will select up to six individuals from among those who apply to participate in five days of intense classes on the announced subject. All travel and housing and food for the duration of the classes will be paid by the JHP up to $1750. Applicants should send a letter of interest along with a CV to Prof. Lloyd P. Gerson ( [End Page 835]

Qualifications: Ph.D. in ancient philosophy received no earlier than January 1, 2015 and no later than January 1, 2020. AOS: ancient philosophy. A good reading knowledge of classical Greek is required.

No new applications for the 2021 classes are being considered.

the kristeller-popkin travel fellowships

The Board of Directors of the Journal of the History of Philosophy is pleased to announce the Kristeller-Popkin Travel Fellowships program for 2021.

The fellowships are in recognition of the scholarship and generous support that two of the founding members of the Board have given to the Journal: Paul Oskar Kristeller, the renowned Renaissance scholar, and Richard H. Popkin, the first editor of this journal and noted historian of skepticism.

Two awards of up to $4,000 (depending upon the project budget) are offered annually to young scholars in the history of philosophy to defray expenses while traveling to do research. Applicants must have the Ph.D., but may not have received it more than six years prior to applying. Applicants who do not receive awards in one year's competition are invited to apply in successive years.

Application forms can be obtained from the JHP website ( All queries regarding the Kristeller-Popkin Travel Fellowships should be sent to Professor Eric Watkins at

The deadline for applications is December 1, 2020. Awards will be announced in the Spring of 2021.

jan wojcik memorial prize

The Journal of the History of Philosophy is pleased to announce the Jan Wojcik Memorial Prize for graduate students in the history of philosophy. Made possible by the generosity of Jan's children and their families, this annual $4,000 award is intended...

