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Reviews 223 issues. The Franco-Algerian Bouraoui has made manifest that writing now serves as her homeland, especially as she has not returned to Algeria since she was young. Robin, born in France to Jewish parents from Poland and currently living in Montreal, attempted to “transcribe the immigrant experience in Quebec” (117) in her postmodern novel La Québécoite. Harrington’s conclusion, which underscores both the commonalities and the uniqueness of the works by Le Clézio, Huston, Bouraoui, and Robin, acknowledges the fact that many more authors exhibit the nomadic tendencies under consideration in this volume, and the author points especially to the Internet, with its ever-expanding communicative potential, as a promising space for future “nomadic exploration”(137). This useful study should be of great interest to scholars of Francophone literature and culture. University of Nebraska, Omaha Patrice J. Proulx Houppermans, Sjef, et al., éd. Marcel Proust Aujourd’hui 9.Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2012. ISBN 978-90-420-3602-4. Pp. 212. $63. The Dutch Proust Society has done an impressive job in its most recent Annual Bilingual Review. The editors’choice of articles and their overall presentation are done with knowledge and style. In the first article, “Un témoignage rapproché sur Marcel Proust,” Luc Fraisse presents a new biographical perspective in Reynaldo Hahn’s previously unpublished correspondence with Madeleine and Suzette Lemaire.Among the articles that follow, there are two that stand out before arriving at the well-arranged final three articles that are dedicated to the comic-strip and film interpretations of À la recherche du temps perdu (and, finally, the useful and succinct summary of the recent editions of the Bulletin Marcel Proust). In “Ruskin, Ribot, Sollier, Proust: croyance, résurrection et légitimation,” Edward Bizub continues his research into the different notions of Self in Proust’s novel.After discussing poetic and scientific influences, Bizub returns to the fascinating case of “Émile X” and the role Proust’s therapist, Dr. Sollier may have played in Proust’s novel. Though discussed in his previous book, Proust et le moi divisé (FR 81.5), Bizub makes significant progress in this article as to the possible influence hypnosis may have had on Proust’s concept of the unconscious. In“The Best Grapes in Paris: Annotating Proust for Dutch and Flemish Readers,”Ton Hoenselaars and Ieme van der Poel give a fascinating look into the background and justifications for annotating Du côté de chez Swann. How can one give (in this case, a twenty-firstcentury Dutch/Flemish) reader a look into Proust’s“kitchen,”into the French state of mind at the time Proust was writing? In an interesting final thought, a digital edition is imagined where the different arts, etc. evoked in Proust’s novel would be made immediately available to the reader by linking the novel to the Internet.A comparison of this Dutch/Flemish version and those done for other nationalities, such as the upcoming translated and annotated edition of Du côté de chez Swann by William Carter (Yale UP) for an American audience is another interesting future project. Stéphane Heuet’s article“La Recherche en BD,”is a special pleasure to read. The author of the French comic-strip version of Proust’s novel, Heuet is one of a very select group who has managed to bridge the gap between “Proust scholarship” and “popular culture.” Heuet describes the history of his creative interpretation and the care he has taken in creating the comics—from the choice of colors (impressionist) to not only the choice of texts to include, but also where to put the bubbles that contain them. This book is like the exhibit prepared for the Rijksmuseum during its remodeling. While neither could reflect the entirety of the museum or Proust’s novel, the choice of works and their arrangement reflects the complexity and richness of the full experience as well as it could in a limited space. Mississippi State University Jack Jordan Le Ninan, Claire. Le sage roi et la clergesse: l’écriture du politique dans l’œuvre de Christine de Pizan. Paris: Champion, 2013. ISBN 978-2-7453-2431-3. Pp. 434. 100 a. That Christine de Pizan...

