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student has studied the entire book. I would have preferred the games to be divided by chapter. All in all, I think that as an introduction to French, or a tool to work independently, this book would work well for fifth to ninth grades. Older students may need something more structured and in-depth. Carl Schurz High School (IL) Samantha Godden-Chmielowicz Dubois, Anne-Lyse, et Béatrice Tauzin. Objectif Express 2: Le monde professionnel en français B1/B2.1. Vanves: Hachette, 2016. ISBN 978-2-01-401575-1. Pp. 224. Dubois, Anne-Lyse, Béatrice Tauzin, et Sylvie Peltier. Objectif Express 2: Cahier d’activités. Vanves: Hachette, 2016. ISBN 978-2-01-401576-8. Pp. 159. Building practical business-oriented skills along with increasing levels of communicative and grammatical competencies (starting with level A2 and closing with B2), this text and accompanying Cahier d’activités provide a visually stimulating and wellorganized progression toward succeeding the Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Paris Île-de-France’s Diplôme de français professionnel. Students will appreciate the clearly delineated student learning objectives for each unit along with the printable “Mon portfolio” with its checklist to note skill success, whether “acquis,” “en cours d’acquisition,” or “non acquis”. Instructors will appreciate these “I can” statements, while rejoicing in the plethora of accompanying authentic documents, videos with or without subtitles, and so much more on the DVD-ROM and the audio CD, as well as the instructor-only transcriptions and “corrigés Testez-vous.” Many of us who have taught Business French over the past decades have found it necessary to hugely supplement any text with authentic documents,flyers,and so much more.This method helps both new or more experienced instructors feel prepared. The twelve units cover clearly defined tasks and contexts: “Rencontrez vos nouveaux collaborateurs,”“Faites connaître vos produits et services,”“Organisez votre travail,”“Vendez vos produits et services,” “Partez à l’international,” “Participez à des événements professionnels,” “Travaillez en collaboration,” “Gérez les ressources humaines,” “Traitez les litiges,” “Participez à des projets,”“Informez/Informez-vous,”and“Rendez compte.”After each grouping of three chapters, a detailed professional scenario provides students with the opportunity to elaborate a more developed integration of their skills and interests. My students would very much appreciate the fourth, a humanitarian project, however they are all well-conceived opportunities for active learning permitting students to individually and collaboratively research according to their own interests within the scénario’s parameters. Each chapter proposes multiple tasks to carry out, paired with useful vocabulary to retain and“passez à l’action”which fosters wonderful discussion and written activities.A quick summary of“outils linguistiques”presents brief grammar charts to support student learning. The chapters close with first “Entraînez-vous” activities; second, a “Testez-vous” including visual and audio activities supplemented 234 FRENCH REVIEW 91.4 Reviews 235 by the “portfolio” described above; third some “Repères professionnels” (for instance “comment bien rédiger une note d’information ou de service”); and finally “Repères (inter)culturels,”to increase students’awareness of different cultural practices. Having attended business dinners in French-speaking areas and watched American business professionals unknowingly insult their hosts, I greatly appreciate the opportunity to share these sections with our students. An appendix includes the valuable ten-page “memento des actes de parole” summarizing valuable expressions for a large variety of situations including written correspondence. The Cahier d’activités, including an accompanying audio CD, provides many diverse exercises which solidify acquisition of comprehension, communication, grammar and even phonetics. Students can selfcorrect their exercises and check their comprehension by comparing the transcriptions with their notes. In short, this new edition provides an inviting, clearly presented, uniquely varied and useful text which will permit students to acquire professional, cultural and linguistic skills that will help them succeed in authentic French-speaking professional contexts. Augusta University (GA) E. Nicole Meyer Ollivier, Jacqueline, and Martin Beaudoin. Grammaire française. 6e éd. Toronto: Nelson, 2016. ISBN 0-1765-7003-9. Pp. 454. This book is both an excellent textbook for a grammar course and a must-have reference for any instructor of French. As a textbook, it would...

