In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • From the Editor's Desk
  • Edward Ousselin, Editor in Chief

This second issue of Vol. 93 includes an annual article by Marie-Christine Weidmann Koop, "Actualité de l'éducation en France." Since this is a period of major and fairly rapid changes in the French educational system, including the first steps in a potentially far-reaching reform of the baccalauréat, the annual article will be of interest to numerous readers.

The eight articles on literature that are found in this issue cover several authors and works from throughout the French-speaking world. Readers will also find one article on film, two on society and culture, and two on pedagogy. Also notable is a new Dossier pédagogique, which can be downloaded from our website: <>. This online rubric began in 2013 and now includes two dozen Dossiers that cover a wide range of topics. Instructors at all levels are encouraged to make use of this online resource.

Our next Special Issue will be devoted to L'entre-deux-guerres. It will be published in Vol. 94.4 (May 2021). Scholars working in various fields—literature, film, bandes dessinées, cultural studies, and pedagogy—are encouraged to submit articles (deadline: July 1, 2020). Please see the Announcements section (272) for details.

I would like to thank Kathryn M. Grossman (Pennsylvania State University), former Assistant Editor, for her many years of service to our journal and our profession. [End Page 11]


