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[ Download ZIP file] Phonological markedness effects in sentence formation: Supplemental materials

The following materials are included in the .zip file:

Folder 1: SupplementalMaterialsBreissHayesPart1

1. Of the fourteen text corpora employed, just the eight literature corpora are included here, taken from the restriction-free Project Gutenberg. All others are copyright-protected.

Folder 2: SupplementalMaterialsBreissHayesPart2

2. The spreadsheet 2_JustifyingTheConstraintsWord-Internally.xls; see §2 of the main paper.

3. Sample spreadsheet (counts from Austen, ‘Simple’ condition), showing how the full set of possible bigrams is reduced to a taxonomy of 38,016 cases, as in §5.1. File name: 3_AustenSimpleBigramsReducedTo38016Cases.xlsx.

4a, 4b. Demonstration (from a schematic examples) that reducing the full bigram set to the taxonomy of violations profiles yields the same constraint weights (§5.1) and significance values (§5.4) as analyzing the full set. File names: 4a_JustifyPoolingOfCandidatesReadMe.pdf and 4b_JustifyPoolingOfCandidates.xlsx.

5. Complete set of constraint weights, log likelihood values, and p-values. File name: 5_ConstraintWeights_LogLikelihoodValues_PValues.xlsx.

6. Same, but for a dictionary whose entries have been edited to remove coda /r/. File name: 6_ConstraintWeights_RhoticVsNonRhotic.xlsx.

7. The calculations discussed in §5.2, ‘How the system works: an intuitive example’. File name: 7_SimpleExampleOfConstraintInteraction_Hiatus.xlsx.

8. Computations for the t-tests comparing the various conditions of analysis. File name: 8_T-testsComparingConditions.xlsx.

9. The English phonetic dictionary we used (edited version of the Carnegie-Mellon dictionary). File name: 9_BreissHayesDictionary.txt.

Canaan Breiss
University of California, Los Angeles
Bruce Hayes
University of California, Los Angeles
