Arc Humanities Press
Figure 2.2. Carved stone chamber found in the tomb of Song Shaozu (d. 477) at Datong, Shanxi (China); height: 2.28 m. After Datong shi kaogu yanjiusuo and Liu Junxi, eds., Datong Yanbei shiyuan Bei Wei mu qun (Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe, 2008), plate 51.
Figure 2.2.

Carved stone chamber found in the tomb of Song Shaozu (d. 477) at Datong, Shanxi (China); height: 2.28 m. After Datong shi kaogu yanjiusuo and Liu Junxi, eds., Datong Yanbei shiyuan Bei Wei mu qun (Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe, 2008), plate 51.
