In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Volume LXXIIISeptember 2019—June 2020
Benjamin Berger. Schelling, Hegel, and the History of Nature 531
Michael B. Burke. Liberated Presentism 569
Zachary Calhoun. Kant on Positing: Being as Self-determination 77
Domenic D'Ettore. Being as First Known and the Analogy or Univocity of Being: Scotus versus Cajetan 741
Eli Dresner and Johan Siebers. I Interpret You: Davidson and Buber 109
María Elton. The Metaphysics of Free Will and Moral Freedom in Thomas Reid 55
C. Stephen Evans. Worldviews, Moral Seemings, and Moral Epistemology 815
Alberto Ghibellini. The "Second Cave" and Historical Consciousness in the Correspondence of Leo Strauss and Gerhard Krüger 285
Charlie Gustafson-Barrett. The Lógos of Agency (or the Agency of Lógos): On Plato'sIon 3
Andreja Novakovic. Human Beings as Ends-in-Themselves in Hegel's Philosophy of History 227
Guy Schuh. Friendship and Aristotle's Defense of Psychological Eudaimonism 681
Matias Slavov. Time as an Empirical Concept in Special Relativity 355
Charles E. Snyder. Arcesilaus and the Ontology of Stoic Cognition 455
Mark K. Spencer. Beauty and Being in von Hildebrand and the Aristotelian Tradition 311
Jensen Suther. Hegel's Logic of Freedom: Toward a "Logical Constitutivism". 771
David Svoboda and Prokop Sousedik. Thomas Aquinas and Some Thomists on the Nature of Mathematics 715
William Tullius. Time, Eternity, and the Transition from Phenomenology to Metaphysics in Edith Stein, Edmund Husserl, and Eric Voegelin 255
James L. Wood. Necessity and Contingency in the Philosophy of Parmenides 421
Summaries and Comments 127, 355, 605, 837
Reviewer Index 159, 389, 641, 865
Philosophical Abstracts. 161, 391, 643, 867
Doctoral Dissertations 189
Faculty Updates 215

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