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  • Gratulatio ad Cranfield Thesaurar. 8 Octob. 1621. / Congratulations to Lionel Cranfield, Treasurer October 8, 1621

Gratulatio ad Cranfield Thesaurar. 8 Octob. 1621.

Illustrissime Domine.

Concede ut Honoribus nuperis, tanquam partubus Virtutum Tuarum Alma Mater accurrens, gratuletur. solent enim Studiosorum Suffragia enixûs gloriae Sollicitudine in futurum plenos, haud parum leuare; praesertim quum, ipsi non solum rectum de Bene-merentibus iudicium hausisse ab Antiquis, sed et ad posteros transmissuri videantur. Quare post Principis manum honoribus refertam, non est quod nostram quoque, cum amoris symbolo festinantem, recuses. Sic apud veterum aras, post ingentes Hecatombas, exiguam thuris micam adoleri legimus[.] Tu Domine vicisti.1 tuere nos, ita vt fortunae nostrae, intra ambitum, amplexúsque foelicitatis Tuae receptae, communi calore foveantur. et cum ob perspicacitatem singularem iam olim Regi notam atque signatam dignissime praeficiaris Fisco, etiam Academiam in Thesauris habe: iustissimè potes sub hoc Principe, in quo doctrinae fructus, atque vsus mirifice relucet. certè, si quantum eruditio Regis profuerit Reipublicae, tantum favoris nobis impertias, abundè succurres.

  Magnificentiae tuae addictissimis    Procancellario      Rel.2 [End Page 72]

Congratulations to Lionel Cranfield, Treasurer October 8, 1621

Most Honorable Lord.

Allow your Nurturing Mother to run and congratulate you on your recent Rewards, as if on the offspring of Your Virtues. The birth of a glory filled with anxiety about the future is in fact eased by the Judgments of the Devoted. Especially when the Devoted are deemed to have imbibed deeply from the Ancients the just assessment of the Meritorious, and what’s more are about to hand this down in the same way to Posterity. And so, given that the Sovereign’s1 hand brims with honors, you have no reason to refuse our hand as it, too, hastens with a token of love.2 We read that on the altars of the ancients, after vast Hecatombs, in a like fashion they burned a grain of frankincense. You, Lord, have conquered. Take care of us so that our fortune may be kept warm by the general ardor, welcomed within the circuit and embraces of Your Good Fortune. And since you are most deservedly in charge of the Treasury because of your remarkable, clear vision, which the King has long noted and praised, hold the University now as another Treasure. You can do this most justifiably under such a Sovereign, in whom the profit and enjoyment of learning shine marvelously. Certainly if you bestow as much favor on us as the erudition of the King has on advancing the Commonwealth, you will run with abounding succor to

  Those most beholden to your Nobility,    The Vice Chancellor,      & the Rest [End Page 73]


1. Punctuation is unclear. vicisti? Pickering, Wilmott. vicisti: Grosart. vicisti; Hutchinson

2. These final lines appear in a hand other than the scribe’s and in the same hand as the marginal notes.


