In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Periodical Literature

General and Miscellaneous

Lettera Decretale di Canonizzazione di Paolo VI. Notiziario dell'Istituto Paolo VI, 78 (Dec., 2019), 19–26.
A history of Christian pilgrimage. Paul Severn. International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church, 19 (4, 2019), 323–39.
The Globalization of Franciscan Poverty. Julia McClure. Journal of World History, 30 (Sept., 2019), 335–62.
Représentation ecclésiale des laïcs et eucharistie dans l'Église d'Angleterre. Natacha-Ingrid Tinteroff. Cristianesimo nella storia, 40 (2, 2019), 349–76.
L'Évolution des éloges des martyrologes des fêtes de martyrs inscrites au calendrier romain préconciliare pour le mois de février. Philippe Beitia. Ephemerides liturgicae, CXXXIII (July–Sept., 2019), 296–329.
Réflexion sur un siècle d'histoire sociale. Entretien avec un observateur. Joseph Goblin and Renè M. Micallef. Gregorianum, 100 (4, 2019), 933–55.
Die Gärten des Stiftes Wilhering und ihre Geschichte. Regine Jungwirth. Analecta Cisterciensia, LXIX (2019), 3–140.
Rev. Walter J. Ciszek, SJ: An Icon of the Catholic Russian Mission. Michaela A. Guzik. Polish Review, 64 (4, 2019), 28–43.
The Angelic Doctor in the Twenty-First Century: Thomas Aquinas' Quest for Truth. William R. Clough. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 31 (1–2, 2019), 33–54.


The Earliest Eucharist: Saturday or Sunday? Paul F. Bradshaw. Ecclesia orans, XXXVI (2, 2019), 225–40.
Christians and the Codex: Generic Materiality and Early Gospel Traditions. Matthew D.C. Larsen. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 27 (Fall, 2019), 383–415.
Vom Jordan an den Tiber. Wie die Jesusbewegung in den Städten des Römischen Reiches ankam. Benjamin Schliesser. Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche, 116 (1, 2019), 1–45.
A Jew for Roman Tastes: The Parting of the Ways in Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho from a Post-Colonial Perspective. Maren R. Niehoff. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 27 (Winter, 2019), 549–78.
I confessori della fede nel cap. XXI del De catholica ecclesiae unitate di Cipriano di Cartagine. Stefaniam Miscioscia. La Ciudad de Dios, CCXXXII (May–Aug., 2019), 311–26.
Opening the Canon of Martyr Narratives: Pre-Decian Martyrdom Discourse and the Hypomnēmata of Hegesippus. David J. DeVore. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 27 (Winter, 2019), 579–609.
Tertullian's Precarious Panopticon: A Performance of Visual Piety. Emily R. Cain. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 27 (Winter, 2019), 611–33.
Dying to Live Forever: Identity and Virtue in the Resurrection of the Martyrs. Candida R. Moss. Irish Theological Quarterly, 84 (2, 2019), 155–74.
"One Would Not Consider Them Jews": Reassessing Jewish and Christian "Heresy." Mathijs Den Dulk. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 27 (Fall, 2019), 353–81.
Athanase a-t-il rédigé l'encyclique d'Alexandre d'Alexandrie? Xavier Morales. Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique, 114 (3–4, 2019), 541–58.
La incorporación de Occidente al conflicto entre eusebianos y antieusebianos: el concilio romano de 340/341. Josep Vilella Masana. Cristianesimo nella storia, 40 (2, 2019), 257–85.
Penitential Degrees in the Byzantine Church. Part II. Reception of Basil's Penitential System in the Byzantine Church. Frans van de Paverd. Ostkirchliche Studien, 68 (2019), 69–190.
Las Confesiones de San Agustín, paso a paso (I, II). Modesto García Grimaldos. La Ciudad de Dios, CCXXXII (May–Aug., 2019), 261–91; (Sept.–Dec., 2019), 505–40.
Pastoral Physicians and Communal Health in Late Antique Antioch. Lisa D. Maugans Driver. Orientalia Christiana periodica, 85 (1, 2019), 23–44.
Priscillien contaminé par un conformisme paranoïaque. Sylvain Jean Gabriel Sanchez. Bulletin de littérature ecclésiastique, CXXI (Jan.–Mar., 2019), 79–96.
The Debate over the Repetition of Baptism between Homoians and Nicenes at the End of the Fourth Century. Marta Szada. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 27 (Winter, 2019), 635–63.
Lay Aristocrats and Ecclesiastical Politics: A New View of the Papacy of Felix III (483–492 C.E.) and the Acacian Schism. Michele Renee Salzman. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 27 (Fall, 2019), 465–89.
Algunos problemas del uso de Gregorio Magno por Isidoro de Sevilla. Joel Varela Rodríguez. Revue d'études augustiniennes et patristiques, 65 (1, 2019), 135–64.


De disciplina principum in ecclesia. Ein karolingischer Traktat über...

