- Editorial Announcements
The JHP Board of Directors awards an annual prize of $5,000 for the best book in the history of philosophy published in the previous year. On the Board's behalf, I am pleased to announce that the winner of the prize for 2019 is Richard T. W. Arthur's Monads, Composition, and Force: Ariadnean Threads Through Leibniz's Labyrinth (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018).
The JHP Board of Directors also awards an annual prize of $1,500 for the best contribution to the Articles section of the Journal. On the Board's behalf, I am pleased to announce that the winners of the fifteenth annual prize are Jessica Moss and Whitney Schwab for "The Birth of Belief," JHP 57.1 (January 2019): 1–32, with an Honorable Mention going to Jon McGinnis for "A Continuation of Atomism: Shahrastānī on the Atom and Continuity," JHP 57.4 (October 2019): 595–619. [End Page i]