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Proceedings at the Eleventh Meeting of the Conference April 2-3, 1979, at the University of Washington in Seattle The program was planned by Jan Walls of the University of Victoria, B.C., and local arrangements were made by Fredric Lieberman. He arranged the use, free of charge, of a well equipped room in a building with a convenient cafeteria. The following papers were presented: Charles J. Wivell (University of Rochester); Shantung Folktales: Oral Traditions and Social Context Isabel K.F. Wong (University of Illinois): Song as an Ideological Tool Jan Walls (University of Victoria): Making the Past Serve the Present through the Fast Clappertale Rinnie Tang-Loaec (Musee ·de 1'Homme, Paris): The Chinese Opera Company Brought to Paris and London by Robert Hart, Inspector General of the Chinese Imperial . Customs Service (see p.148) Robert Ruhlmann (University of Paris): The Peking Theater in 1978 Catherine Stevens (University of Toronto): A Visit with Members of the City of Peking Ballad Troupe Marjory Liu (Arizona State University): Poetry and Dance in the Kun Qu Opera, Si Fan Harold Shadick (Cornell University): Ten Years of CHINOPERL On April 2 after dinner at a.Chinese restaurant we adjourned to the Lieberman's house in the woods for a rare evening of 0 and P. .The musical part consisting of five k'un-ch'u arias, two pieces by two flutes, and a marvellous ku ch'in solo is best itemized in Chinese. The performers were T'ao Chu-sheng who teaches at the Chinese Culture Learning Center ':f ~ .~ ~~ ~ff ~G 't' ,~' and his pupi 1s, joined by Isabe1 Wong of the Univers ity of Illinois. Mr. Lu-sheng Chong e.t tr- ft ' Director of the Center, kindly wrote out the program in Chinese: ~ \~ ~ ..H.. T. ct:.J \:ttl -. 11.# (\~tt) J.C. Laycock ;;...ill.1~ (~~i!t. ~-~-t~) 1§;..f.~iit\ ;. . ~)~ (~¥fi;~) t ~l~~ \iJ}. .~, f't (~1ll ~. ~ 1)[ t) 1?~,,:' 1:. \tl "1 ( ~ h' ~I;,') ."=- ~k f.~ .J,L.. l ~ I \I )~" "'J::.... i'DJ 1f..~., '~ YSl y~ u, ,11;::. i ~(1i,t j db ) ril:~1: Joan Rabinowitz f£J. ~~lj~ (~~Jt) fi:J ;a.i This was followed by some lighter contributions climaxing with several uproariously funny examples of Fast Clappertale t~~~~' by Jan Walls. 6 Proceedings at the Eleventh Meeting of the Conference April 2-3, 1979, at the University of Washingtonin Seattle The programwas planned by Jan Walls of the University of Victoria, B.C., and local arrangements were madeby Fredric Lieberman. He arranged the use, free of charge, of a well equipped roomin a building with a convenient cafeteria. The following papers were presented: Charles J. Wivell (University of Rochester); Shantung Folktales: Oral Traditions and Social Context Isabel K.F. Wong(University of Illinois): Songas an Ideological Tool Jan Walls (University of Victoria): Makingthe Past Serve the Present through the Fast Clappertale Rinnie Tang-Loaec(Museede l'Homme,Paris): The Chinese Opera Company Brought to Paris and Londonby Robert Hart, Inspector General of the Chinese Imperial · CustomsService (seep. 148) Robert Ruhlmann(University of Paris): The Peking Theater in 1978 Catherine Stevens (University of Toronto): A Visit with Members of the City of Peking Ballad Troupe Marjory Liu (Arizona State University): Poetry and Dancein the KunQuOpera, Si Fan Harold Shadick (Cornell University): Ten Years of CHINOPERL OnApril 2 after dinner at a Chinese restaurant we adjourned to the Lieberman's house in the woodsfor a rare evening of Oand P. .The musical part consisting of five k'un-ch'u arias, two pieces by two flutes, and a marvellous ku ch'in solo is best itemized in Chinese. The performers were T'ao Chu-shengwhoteaches at the Chinese Culture Learning Center ~ l ·~H..,l;ff "GIf•~' and his pupils, joined by Isabel Wong of the University of Illinois. Mr. Lu-sheng Chong ti~~ , Director of the Center, kindly wrote out the program in Chinese: 'fl. ~\Ml -. 1}..~ t~if.) J.C. Laycock ;::... ~ ,~ (~~i!l. ~ f -t~) ?i-iit1,t\ ;.. ~I~ ({f ~~t) f itit (i]). -~· ,t it J½ Joan Rabinowitz f£l· ~ lfi.! <-:W- ~ 'it) r.t.J ;a. i This was followed by somelighter contributions climaxing with several uproariously funny examples of Fast Clappertale ff-::4:.&..--fJ' by Jan Walls. 6 ...

