In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Mural, Jackson Pollock, 1943
  • Lisa Beech Hartz (bio)

oil and casein on canvas, 7 feet 11 inches x 19 feet 10 inches

I pilgrim to the East Building, National Gallery,where this vast wonder-in-residence glows –

pulsing with such writhing teals and yellows. Twiningpinks and blacks. I stand before it silent, reverent.

Pollock's eleventh-hour tempest after so much stasisyou knew he'd volcano. One way or another. A prickling

fear. Then the sudden late-night abruption. Tantrumof stroke and splatter. A thousand throws and tosses --

on and on through the rocketing nightto the revelation of morning:

Colossal cartography of the masteredmindscape, clamorous.

But it didn't happen that way, did it, Lee Krasner?Yours a myth, impossible. A stolen fire.

This stampede raged over nights and nightsover weeks, perhaps a season. Scent

of linseed oil and turpentine pervading. His flicksand flurries a rumba on sober evenings.

On whiskey nights you fed him eggs and milk.You washed away his filth. Draped

a cool hand across a smoldering forehead.You mothered 'til you emptied. [End Page 141]

While your colors turned to sludge in the outer room –muse-abandoned. This fable some consolation. [End Page 142]

Lisa Beech Hartz

Lisa Beech Hartz directs Seven Cities Writers Project, a non-profit that brings cost-free creative writing workshops to underserved communities. She currently guides poetry workshops for men and women in a city jail and a memoir workshop at an LGBTQ community center. "Mural" is drawn from a manuscript exploring the life and work of Abstract Expressionist Lee Krasner. Lisa's ekphrastic collection, The Goldfish Window, was published by Grayson Books in 2018.


