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400 Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association, Vol. 3.2 be used primarily by statisticians. This weakness then feeds into the lack of an argumentative dialogue with scholarly debates among historians outside RI7XUNH\VSHFL¿FDOO\WKRVHZKRDUHEDVHGLQ:HVWHUQ(XURSHDQDQG1RUWK American universities. Similarly, the frequent use of Spanish literature in øVODP.RUNXVXdoes not convert into a scholarly debate with arguments and H[SODQDWLRQVVXJJHVWHGE\6SDQLVKKLVWRULDQVEHFDXVHVWDUWLQJIURPWKH¿UVW page the text is heavily descriptive. Unless scholars who can read in foreign languages introduce opinions and debates in foreign publications to the wider readership in Turkey, historical works in the country will continue to repro T T duce descriptive texts. A discussion of many factors breeding this situation in A 7XUNLVKDFDGHPLDVSHFL¿FDOO\DPRQJKLVWRULDQVOLHVEH\RQGWKHOLPLWVRIWKLV review. However, the drawback is especially noteworthy in the writings of historians who can work with primary sources in multiple western languages. The author of øVODP Korkusu: Kökenleri ve Türklerin Rolü belongs to this last group.

