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  • Contributors

Christian Dickinson teaches at the Baptist College of Florida in Graceville. His research interests include the Victorian Novel and its intersection with nineteenth-century religious culture, especially Evangelicalism and Anglo-Catholicism. Affiliated with the Dickens Society, he has published in The Dickens Studies Annual on Bleak House and also on the Victorian era Anglican Church.

Nikolai Endres is Professor of English at Western Kentucky University, where he specializes in classics, world, and gay and lesbian Literature studies. He has published on Oscar Wilde and Victorian sexualities.

Constance M. Fulmer is Professor of Victorian Literature and holds the Blanche E. Seaver Chair in English Literature at Seaver College, Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. Her most recent book is George Eliot’s Moral Aesthetic: Compelling Contradictions (Rout-ledge, 2019). She is co-editor of A Monument to the Memory of George Eliot: Edith J. Simcox’s Autobiography of a Shirtmaker and has published articles on George Eliot and on Edith Simcox.

Ann Gagné is an Educational Developer at the University of Toronto at Mississauga. Her research focuses on the intersection of tactility and education in the work of Ruskin and Hardy. She is a member of the Guild of St. George and promotes awareness of Ruskin and his work through public outreach colloquia and talks. Her article “‘I exercise a malignant power’: Telepathic Touch in ‘The Withered Arm’” was published in The Hardy Review.

Christina Henderson Harner is assistant professor at Augusta University in Georgia, where she specializes in 19th-century transatlantic literature. She has published articles in MELUS, Children’s Literature, and Southern Literary Journal. Her research interests include world’s fairs, time travel fiction, transatlantic reform, and telegraph fiction.

Catherine Layton is an independent researcher working with contemporaneous documents to re-examine interpretations of Victorian events and figures. Recent publications include a biography of Mary, Dowager Duchess of Sutherland, a sketch of Ouida’s life on The Victorian Web, and an analysis of the impact of British housing policies in the 1950s. She lives on the coast in New South Wales.

Louis Marvick is Professor of French at the University of Nevada, Reno. Publications include Mallarmé and the Sublime and Waking the Face That No One Is. His short novel, The ‘Star’ Ushak, appeared in 2010 and a collection of his uncanny short stories, Dissonant Intervals, in 2016. Current work includes The Friendly Examiner and articles on Alexander Scriabin, Édouard Manet, Edgar Allan Poe and Gustave Moreau.


