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  • The Politics of the Spider
  • Jacques Rancière (bio)
Jacques Rancière
University of Paris VIII (St. Denis)
Jacques Rancière

Jacques Rancière, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Paris VIII (St. Denis), writes about philosophy, art, literature, politics, and the relations between them. Among his publications now available in English are The Flesh of Words: The Politics of Writing, The Politics of Aesthetics, Short Voyages to the Land of the People, The Ignorant Schoolmaster, and The Politics of Literature.


1. See Nicholas Roe, “Keats’s Commonwealth,” in Keats and History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), 194–211. See also his Keats and the Culture of Dissent (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997), 257–67.

2. William Hazlitt, Lectures on the English Poets, in The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, ed. A. R. Waller and Arnold Glover (London: J. M. Dent and Co., 1902), 2.

3. John Keats to J. H. Reynolds, 19 February 1818, in Selected Letters, ed. Robert Gittings (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), 62.

4. John Keats to J. H. Reynolds, 3 February 1818, Selected Letters, 58.

5. Friedrich Schiller, On the Aesthetic Education of Man, ed. and trans. Elizabeth M. Wilkinson and L. A. Willoughby (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982), 157.

6. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Reveries du promeneur solitaire, Cinquième Promenade [The Reveries of a Solitary Walker, Fifth Walk], Œuvres completes, vol. 1 (Paris: Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 1959), 1047.

7. John Keats, “Endymion,” in Complete Poems, ed. Jack Stillinger (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1982), 85–86, lines 880–87.

8. Keats, “Endymion,” 83, lines 788–90.

9. Keats, “Fall of Hyperion,” in Complete Poems, 366, lines 199–202.

10. Keats, “Ode on Indolence,” in Complete Poems, 285, lines 46–47.

11. William Wordsworth, The Excursion (London: Edward Moxon, 1847), 322–24.

12. Wordsworth, Excursion, 315.

13. Wordsworth, Excursion, 326.

14. Hazlitt, Lectures on the English Poets, in Collected Works, 162–63.

15. John Keats to Mrs James Wylie, 6 August 1818, Selected Letters, 141.

16. “A Living death was in each gush of songs,” line 281, Keats, “Hyperion,” in Collected Poems, 263.

17. François de Salignac de La Mothe- Fénelon and John Hawkesworth, The Adventures of Telemachus: the Son of Ulysses (New York; Leavitt, Trow & Co., 1848), 3.

18. See Jacques Rancière, The Ignorant Schoolmaster: Fine Lessons in Intellectual Emancipation, trans. Kristin Ross (Stanford: Stanford University’ Press, 1991).

19. 361, lines 11–12.

20. Immanuel Kant, Critique of Judgement, trans. J. C. Meredith (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1952), 227.

21. Keats to J. H. Reynolds, 18 February 1818, Selected Letters, 63.

22. Gustave Flaubert a Louise Colet, 26–27 Mai 1853, Correspondance, vol. 2 (Paris: Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 1980), 335.


Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe–, and John Hawkesworth. The Adventures of Telemachus: the Son of Ulysses. New York: Leavitt, Trow & Co., 1848.
Flaubert, Gustave. Letter to Louise Colet, 26–27 May 1853. In Correspondance, 2:335. Paris: Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 1980.
Hazlitt, William. Lectures on the English Poets. In Collected Works, edited by A. R. Waller and Arnold Glover, vol. 5. London: Dent, 1902.
Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Judgement. Translated by J. C. Meredith. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1952.
Keats, John. Complete Poems. Edited by Jack Stillinger. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1982.
——. Selected Letters. Edited by Robert Gittings. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Rancière, Jacques. The Ignorant Schoolmaster: Five Lessons in Intellectual Emancipation. Translated by Kristin Ross. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1991.
Roe, Nicholas. “Keats’s Commonwealth.” In Keats and History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
——. Keats and the Culture of Dissent. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. “Fifth Walk.” In The Reveries of the Solitary Walker, translated by Charles E. Butterworth, 62–73. New York: New York University Press, 1979.
——. Les Reveries du promeneur solitaire, Cinquième Promenade. In Œvres completes, vol. 1. Paris: Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 1959.
Schiller, Friedrich. On the Aesthetic Education of Man. Translated by E. M. Wilkinson and L...

