In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Volume 60 (2019)

Abnet, D., (R) 1128

Accidents: Aldrich, Back on Track: American Railroad Accidents and Safety, 1965–2015, (R) 1117

Aerial Aftermaths: Wartime from Above, Kaplan, C., (R) 915

The Age of Machinery: Engineering the Industrial Revolution, 1770–1850, Cookson, G., (R) 630

Agriculture: Marez, Farm Worker Futurism: Speculative Technologies of Resistance, (R) 924; Wolfe, Watering the Revolution: An Environmental and Technological History of Agrarian Reform in Mexico, (R) 317

Aidoo, F., (R) 324

Aiken, K., "'The Environmental Consequences . . . Were Calamitous': Smelter Smoke Controversies in Progressive Era America, 1899–1918," 132

"Akarnan: The Stethoscope and Making of Modern Ayurveda, Bengal, c. 1894–1952," Mukharji, P., 953

"The Amazing History of the Chinese Typewriter: Thomas S. Mullaney, The Chinese Typewriter," Bussotti, M., 896

American Illuminations: Urban Lighting, 1800–1920, Nye, D., (R) 633

The American Way of Bombing: Changing Ethical and Legal Norms, From Flying Fortresses to Drones, Evangelista, M., and Shue, H., eds., (R) 642

Anand, N., Gupta, A., and Appel, H., eds., The Promise of Infrastructure, (R) 1112

Ancient: Mayor, Gods and Robots: Myths, Machines, and Ancient Dreams of Technology, (R) 1100

Ankerson, M., Dot-Com Design: The Rise of a Usable, Social, Commercial Web, (R) 339

"Anthropological Studies of Mobile Phones: Julie Soleil Archambault, Mobile Secrets; Robert Foster and Heather Horst, eds., The Moral Economy of Mobile Phones; Sirpa Tenhunen, A Village Goes Mobile," Miller, D., 1093

Anthony Fokker: The Flying Dutchman Who Shaped American Aviation, Dierikx, M., (R) 912

Apollo in the Age of Aquarius, Maher, N., (R) 640

Arceneaux, N., (R) 335

"Archival Traces of Applied Research: Language Planning and Psychotechnics in Interwar Germany," Tkaczyk, V., S64

Archives: Birdsall, C., "Radio Documents: Broadcasting, Sound Archiving, and the Rise of Radio [End Page 1132] Studies in Interwar Germany," S96; Birdsall, C., and Tkaczyk, V., "Listening to the Archive: Sound Data in the Humanities and Sciences," S1; Bruyninckx, J., "For Science, Broadcasting, and Conservation: Wildlife Recording, the BBC, and the Consolidation of a British Library of Wildlife Sounds," S188; Feaster, P., "Enigmatic Proofs: The Archiving of Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville's Phonautograms," S14; Kaplan, J., and Lemov, R., "Archiving Endangerment, Endangered Archives: Journeys through the Sound Archives of Americanist Anthropology and Linguistics, 1911–2016," S161; Kursell, J., "Listening to More Than Sounds: Carl Stumpf and the Experimental Recordings of the Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv," S39; Li, X., and Mills, M., "Vocal Features: From Voice Identification to Speech Recognition by Machine," S129; Tkaczyk, V., "Archival Traces of Applied Research: Language Planning and Psychotechnics in Interwar Germany," S64

"Archiving Endangerment, Endangered Archives: Journeys through the Sound Archives of Americanist Anthropology and Linguistics, 1911–2016," Kaplan, J., and Lemov, R., S161

Arsenault, D., Super Power, Spoony Bards, and Silverware: The Super Nintendo Entertainment System, (R) 652

Art History: Kalba, Color in the Age of Impressionism: Commerce, Technology, and Art, (R) 330

Astronomy: Cullen, C., and Hiraoka, R., "The Geneva Sphere: An Astronomical Model from Seventeenth-Century Japan," 219

Atmospheric Things: On the Allure of Elemental Development, McCormack, D., (R) 332

Austria: Bayer, F., and Felt, U., "Embracing the 'Atomic Future' in Post–World War II Austria," 165

Authors and Apparatus: A Media History of Copyright, Dommann, M., (R) 1123

Aviation: Byers, Flying Man: Hugo Junkers and the Dream of Aviation, (R) 637; Dierikx, Anthony Fokker: The Flying Dutchman Who Shaped American Aviation, (R) 912; Fino, Tiger Check: Automating the U.S. Air Force Fighter Pilot in Air-to-Air Combat, 1950–1980, (R) 914; Kaplan, C., Aerial Aftermaths: Wartime from Above, (R) 915; Kim, M., The Imagined Empire: Balloon Enlightenments in Revolutionary Europe, (R) 628

"Awards," 278


Back on Track: American Railroad Accidents and Safety, 1965–2015, Aldrich, M., (R) 1117

Bad Call: Technology's Attack on Referees and Umpires and How to Fix It, Collins, H., Evans, R., and Higgins, C., (R) 929

Baichun, Z., and Miao, T., "Joseph Needham's Research on Chinese Machines in the Cross-Cultural History of Science and Technology," 616

Balloons: Kim, M., The Imagined Empire: Balloon Enlightenments in Revolutionary Europe, (R) 628; McCormack, Atmospheric Things: On the Allure of Elemental Development, (R) 332

Batteries: Petchey, P., "New Zealand's Technological...

