

The construction of memory and memories in Don Quixote constitutes an ongoing path of groundbreaking analysis and exploration that prepares us to consider the notion of prophecy and its mythical implications. The act of remembering can be traced from the earliest works written by Cervantes. This article, then, examines the text of La Galatea where memories shed light in recognizing the inherent prophecy-shaping and elevating the prose to a more cohesive level of discourse and meaning. The symbolism of Mnemósine and the allegories of Moneta in conjunction with Genette's premises constitute instrumental pieces to correlate the textual past with the prophetical future. This study thus considers the relevance of the recuerdo as a common denominator in direct counterpart with the profecía mítica already present in the earlier Cervantine prose within the genre of the pastoral romance, which precedes and leads to the narrative of the first modern novel.

