In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Periodical Literature

General and Miscellaneous

The Politics of Religion and Language: Similar or Different? Philip S. Gorski. Social Science History, 43 (Summer, 2019), 393–97.
"Prima sedes a nemine iudicatur." Aspetti del primato del vescovo di Roma. Salvatore Vacca. Laurentianum, 59 (3, 2018), 503–63.
Giovanni Paolo II testimone della speranza. Sławomir Oder. Antonianum, XCIV (Apr.–June, 2019), 313–29.
El pontificado de Juan Pablo II y su tiempo. Pablo Pérez López. Scipta theologica, 51 (Apr. 2019), 129–57.
Tesauro Agustiniano: Un monumento a la bio-bibliografía ibérica, americana y de Filipinas. Luis Álvarez-Gutiérrez. Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia, 28 (2019), 405–16.
(K)ein Grab für Sternenkinder in der Schweiz. Katholische, reformierte und zivilrechtliche Antworten und (Aus-)Wege von der Reformation bis heute. Elke Pahud de Mortanges. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Religions- und Kulturgeschichte, 112 (2018), 365–82.
Armenian Churches in the Province of Gaziantep, Turkey. Ermine Dağtekin and Semra Hillez. Iran and the Caucasus, 23 (1, 2019), 50–63.
A New Political Pacifism: Churches in the Wake of the Great War. William R. Marty. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 30 (1/2, 2018), 63–77.
Ecclesiastical nationalism and primacy in world Orthodoxy: the case of the Serbian Church at the pan-Orthodox Council in Crete. Karin Hofmeisterová. Religion, State and Society 47 (3, 2019), 341–57.
La disputa por los bienes eclesiásticos en sede vacante en el arzobispado de Sevilla (1482–1624). José Antonio Pineda-Alfonso. Hispania sacra, 71 (2019), 141–54.
Clothes Make the Nun? Feminism, Fashion, and Representations of Catholic Sisters in the 1980s. Theresa Keeley. Gender and History, 31 (July, 2019), 480–99.


Meet the Christians. Daisy Dunn. History Today, 69 (June, 2019), 40–45.
Literary Criticism in Early Christianity: How Heracleon and Valentinus Used One Passage to Interpret Another. Carl Johan Berglund. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 27 (Spring, 2019), 27–53.
Penitential Degrees in the Byzantine Church. Part I. Gradual Reconciliation in Texts Written in the Civil Diocese of Pontus in the Third and Fourth Centuries. Frans van de Paverd. Ostkirchliche Studien, 67 (2018), 57–148.
The Unknown Martyrdom of Patriklos of Caesarea in Christian Palestinian Aramaic from St Catherine's Monastery (Sinai, Arabic NG 66). Christa Müller–Kessler. Analecta Bollandiana, 137 (June, 2019), 63–71.
„Iacobus episcopus", Ambrosius von Mailand und die Bibliothek von Lorsch. Lukas J. Dorfbauer and Victoria Zimmerl-Panagl. Revue d'études augstiniennes et patristiques, 64 (2, 2018), 287–308.
Did Augustine Abandon His Doctrine of Jewish Witness in Aduersus Iudaeos? John Y.B. Hood. Augustinian Studies, 50 (2, 2019), 171–95.
Mirrors for Bureaucrats: Expectations of Christian Officials in the Theodosian Empire. Robin Whelan. Journal of Roman Studies, 108 (2018), 74–98.
Basil and Basilissa at Ancyra: Local Legends, Hagiography, and Cult. Aude Busine. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies, 59 (2, 2019), 262–86.
Jordanes versus Procopius of Caesarea: Considerations Concerning a Certain Historiographic Debate on How to Solve "the Problem of the Goths." Robert Kasperski. Viator, 49 (1, 2018), 1–24.
La diócesis episcopal en la Hispania visigoda: concepción, construcción y disputas por su territorio. Pablo Poveda Arias. Hispania sacra, 71 (2019), 9–24.


Sine cerere et libero friget venus: el alcoholism como problema de salud en el monacato visigodo. Luis R. Menéndez. Hispania sacra, 71 (2019), 25–38.
L'eclisse della visione nelle Vite di Aldegonda di Maubeuge. Daniele Solvi. Analecta Bollandiana, 137 (June, 2019), 75–102.
Dryhthelm's Desire: Compunction and Bede's Celestial Topography. Erik Carlson. Traditio, 73 (2018), 1–17.
From virtue to virtue: diverging visions of sanctity and monasticism in two Lives of Cuthbert. Matthew C. Delvaux. Early Medieval Europe, 27 (May, 2019), 226–50.
Sacerdoce de tous les chrétiens et sacerdoce ministériel dans la théologie de Théodulphe d'Orelans. Alfonso M. Hernández Rodríguez. Revue...

