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  • Chapter Seven Quiz:Coming of Age in Female Skin
  • Winner 2018 Patricia Grodd Poetry Prize for Young Writers

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your body

How did she begin?

  1. a. s one of three sisters, beutiful s well s terrifying

  2. b. as a poor toacco farmer, great-granddaughter of slaves and slave-owners

  3. c. with true severity, a fundamental plasti honesty (at least aording to Diego)

  4. d. not immeiately recognizing the hum of honeybees in my hans an knees as the urge to put own my foot, root

How was she betrayed?

  1. a. her mentor thretened, to monster with snkes for lovely locks

  2. b. modern medicine, in its appetite for advancement, vialed her tumored ody

  3. c. men and women, alike, and her own broken body

  4. d. a result of my own faltering wors that woul not come out as a rumble or cry but only smuge ink bones stuck together with glue

What did she birth?

  1. a. twins: winged horse nd gint wielding golden sword, of her slyed body

  2. b. immortality

    1. i. mmeasurable scentfc advancements

    2. ii. a multibillion dollar industry [End Page 10]

  3. c. a ommerial property, a mixture of a tragi bohemian, a revolutionary, and Salma Hayek, omplete with fan lubs and merhandising

  4. d. an awful little allegory, pinching me like an ol shoe, I must act out before I am free of it

What is her legacy?

  1. a. the fce of rge

  2. b. another example of the dehumanization of the lack, female ody

  3. c. a middle finger to soietal rules on women and faial hair

  4. d. a goblin, a cat with nine lives, a she/her/hers an I mean to last it out.

Simone     Medusa     Rosia     Frida     Phyllis

Maya     Bell     Circe     The Lady of Rage     HeLa

Me     Camille     Sojourner     Mary     Marie [End Page 11]

Jenny Li

Jenny Li attends Harvard-Westlake School in Los Angeles. She is an accomplished writer who has won the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards National Gold Medal, Quill and Scroll International Writing Contest National Award, and the International Torrance Legacy Creativity Awards First Place. Her writing has also appeared in publications including the Los Angeles Times, Teen Ink, the Apprentice Writer, Stone Soup Magazine, and Creative Kids Magazine.


