In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • The Helen Crovetto AwardFor Excellence in the Study of New Religious Movements with Ties to South Asia

The co-general editors of Nova Religio are pleased to announce the winner of the Fifth Helen Crovetto Award for Excellence in the Study of New Religious Movements with Ties to South Asia. The award was established in 2010 by Helen Crovetto to encourage research and articles on new religions that originate in South Asia, as well as on new religious movements that were inspired in part or whole by religions from South Asia.

The winner was selected by Hugh Urban, Andrea Jain, and Scott Lowe, members of Nova Religio's editorial board, and Catherine Wessinger, co-general editor, from articles appearing in volume 21 of the journal.

Nicole Karapanagiotis will receive an award of $300 for her article, "Of Digital Images and Digital Media: Approaches to Marketing in American ISKCON," Nova Religio 21, no. 3 (February 2018).

We thank Helen Crovetto for her generosity in providing the opportunity to encourage and reward authors for exceptional articles on new religious movements with ties to South Asia. We look forward to recognizing outstanding work in this area in the future. [End Page 7]


