In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to volume 12


Bould, Mark, Afrofuturism and the archive: Robots of Brixton and Crumbs 171
Boyle, Kirk and Dan Mrozowsk, Screening Cosmos-politanism: the Anthropocenic politics of outer space media 343
Cettl, Franciska, Staying with the paradox of Avatar: decolonising science/fiction 225
Chambers, Amy C., From sacred to scientific: epic religion, spectacular science and Charlton Heston's sf cinema 303
Crago, Ezekiel, The end of the world as he knows it: besieged white male authority and angry white masculinity in The Omega Man 323
Jenner, Joseph, Gendering the Anthropocene: female astronauts, failed motherhood and the overview effect 103
Keeler, Amanda, Visible/invisible: female astronauts and technology in Star Trek: Discovery and National Geographic's Mars 127
Lovell, Bronwyn, Cosmic careers and dead children: women working in space in Aliens, Gravity, Extant and The Cloverfield Paradox 73
Neilson, Toby, Different Death Stars and devastated Earths: contemporary sf cinema's imagination of disaster in the Anthropocene 241
Palmer, Lorrie, Untethered technology in Gravity: gender and spaceflight from science fact to fiction 29
Palmer, Lorrie and Lisa Purse, When the astronaut is a woman: beyond the frontier in film and television 1
Purse, Lisa, Square-jawed strength: gender and resilience in the female astronaut film 53
Tasker, Yvonne, Women, sf spectacle and the mise-en-scène of space adventure in the Star Wars franchise 9
Wittenberg, David, Seeing around the next corner: the politics of time travel surveillance cinema 195

Review essays

Attebery, Stina, Endless war or endless nostalgia? Time travellers in the franchise era 365
Chambliss, Julian C., The evolution of the idea 373
Reiff, Michael C., Notes on the 'formulaic' 381

Book reviews

Abbott, Stacey, Undead Apocalypse: Vampires and Zombies in the 21st Century (Megen de Bruin-Molé) 391
Calvert, Bronwen, Being Bionic: The World of TV Cyborgs (Sharon K. Sharp) 259
Carrington, Andre M., Speculative Blackness: The Future of Race in Science Fiction (Alex Alston) 262
Decker, Mark T., Industrial Society and the Science Fiction Blockbuster: Social Critique in Films of Lucas, Scott, and Cameron (Ezekiel Crago) 51
Flisfeder, Matthew, Postmodern Theory and Blade Runner (James M. Elrod) 394
Frase, Peter, Four Futures: Visions of the World after Capitalism (Rhys Williams) 267
Hantke, Steffen, Monsters in the Machine: Science Fiction Film and the Militarization of America after World War II (Jerome Winter) 155
Jerng, Mark, Racial Worldmaking: The Power of Popular Fiction (Sean Guynes) 398
Lauro, Sarah Juliet, ed., Zombie Theory: A Reader (Gillian Andrews) 402
Mortenson, Erik, Ambiguous Borderlands: Shadow Imagery in Cold War American Culture (Benjamin J. Hea) 273

DVD reviews

3% (Caroline Mosser) 277
Colossal (Débora Madrid-Brito) 407
A Cure for Wellness (Natasha Parcei) 409
Fortitude: Season 1 (Carmen Victor) 282
Ghostbusters (Kevin Modestino) 412
The Girl with All the Gifts (Deborah Krieger) 279
iZombie: Season 1 (Olivia Belton) 286
Jupiter's Moon (Daniel Panka) 294
Okja (Dennis Wilson Wise) 290
Power Rangers (Joe Cruz) 417
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Sean Guynes-Vishniac) 161
Spectral (Artem Zubov) 297
Star Trek Beyond (Cait Coker) 165
Zootopia (Richard J. Leskosky) 420

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