In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contents of Volume 116
Adkins, David. Weeping for Eve: Dido in Paradise Lost and Humanist Commentary 159
Anselment, Raymond A. The Minister's Wife: An Early Modern Portrait of a Spiritual Life 567
Caldwell, Ellen M. Love's (and Law's) Illusions in Chaucer's Franklin's Tale 209
Calloway, Katherine. A "Metaphorical God" and the Book of Nature: John Donne on Natural Theology 124
Castro-Santana, Anaclara. Henry Fielding's Last Bow at Colley Cibber 784
Cooper, Amy. Francis Bacon's Idols and the Reformed Science 328
Cressler, Loren. Malcontented Iago and Revenge Tragedy Conventions in Othello 73
Davidson, Clifford. Drama, Censorship, and "Vernacular Theology" 35
Falck, Claire. "Still my God": George Herbert's "The Forerunners" and Poetry in Motion 351
Gibbons, Zoe. Vicissitude of Years: Temporal Experience in Donne's Anniversaries 101
Holmes, Rachel E. A Widow's Will: Adapting the Duchess of Amalfi in Early Modern England and Spain 728
Kennedy, Curry. Milton's Ethos, English Nationhood, and the Fast-Day Tradition in Areopagitica 375
Kim, Jaecheol. The North in Shakespeare's Richard III 451
Koch, Jonathan. "The Phanaticks Tyring-Room": Dryden and the Poetics of Toleration 539
Lim, Gary. The Ages of Man in Two Middle English Oedipus Narratives 1
Marino, James J. Lost in the Huntington; or, Arden of Faversham for Jacobites 54
McGrath, Patrick J. Typology, Politics, and Theology in Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes 758
Nance, Jessie Herrada. "Civil wildness": Colonial Landscapes in Philip Sidney's New Arcadia 227
Normandin, Shawn. Symbol, Allegory, and Jane Austen's Mansfield Park 589
Oram, William A. Lyric Address and Spenser's Reinvention of the Proem 253
Rack, Melissa J. A Song of Silence: Plaintive Dissonance and Neoteric Method in Spenser's Daphnaïda 668
Simon, David Carroll. Vicious Pranks: Comedy and Cruelty in Rabelais and Shakespeare 423
Taff, Dyani Johns. "Love that oughte ben secree": Secrecy and Alternate Endings in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde 617
Tregear, Ted. Music at the Close: Richard II in the Elizabethan Anthologies 696
Vander Elst, Stefan. "The holiness of that forsaken place": The Purpose of Sin in the Itinerarium Peregrinorum et Gesta Regis Ricardi 195
Wagner, Erin K. "Ech good gramarien hath power to construe Scripture": Grammar and the Vernacular in the Theology of Reginald Pecock 640
Ward, Jessica D. Avarice, Idolatry, and Fornication: The Connection between Genius's Discussions about Religion and Virginity in Book 5 of John Gower's Confessio Amantis 401
Welburn, Jude. Divided Labors: Work, Nature, and the Utopian Impulse in John Milton's Paradise Lost 506
Wells, Jane. Shakespeare's Snuff-Play: Suffocating Figures in Henry IV, Parts 1 and 2 280
Wilder, Lina. Reserved Character: Shorthand and the Immortality Topos in Shakespeare's Sonnets 478
Zhang, Rachel Dunn. A Certain Blindness: Romance, Providence, and Calvin in John Barclay's Argenis 303

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