In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Recent Periodicals


ANS Magazine, 4 (2018)

Includes: Sarah Busschaert, ‘The Cartier Papers: The Birth of a Numismatic Journal in Nineteenth-Century France’ [on the Revue numismatique]; David Hill and Jules Édourd Roiné, ‘Medals in Books and the Birth of the Medallic Art Company’.

Archives, 53, 137 (October 2018)

Includes: Michael Gervers and others, ‘The Dating of Undated Medieval Charters’.

Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 111, 3–4 (July–December 2018)

Includes: Concetto Del Popolo, ‘Ancora per la “Preghiera davanti al Crocifisso”’ [on Vat. Lib. MS Ross. 729].

La Bibliofilía, 120, 1 (January–April 2018)

Includes: Marco Veneziale, ‘Per la biblioteca di Teofilo Calcagnini, “compagno” di Borso d’Este’; Matteo Fadini and Lucia Gambuzzi, ‘“Nessuno ardisca imprimere”? Filippo Pinzi tra coedizioni e intrecci di privilegi di stampa nella Venezia del primo Cinquecento’; Dennis E. Rhodes, ‘The Prognostications of Paul of Middelburg’; Edoardo Barbieri, ‘Di certi usi della Sacra Scrittura condannati: “Il Salmista secondo la Bibbia”’; Laura Melosi, ‘D’Annunzio e il Dante monumentale. Dai carteggi con Olschki e Passerini con documenti inediti. Parte prima: il progetto e la fuga (1909–1910)’; Edoardo Barbierri, ‘Bernard M. Rosenthal’.

——, 120, 2 (May–August 2018)

Includes: Giuseppe Gardoni, ‘La biblioteca di un officiale gonzaghesco: i libri di Andrea da Gonzaga (1457)’; Dennis E. Rhodes, ‘Correzioni per gli annali tipografici di Pisa, 1482–1600’; Marta Hradilová, ‘Giovanni Battista Massarengo and his Prague Library’; Carlo Alberto Girotto, ‘Una miscellanea veronese alla Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal di Parigi. Con aggiunte al catalogo di Bartolomeo Merlo’; Lodovica Braida, ‘Il ricorso all’anonimato nel Settecento: il caso dei libri di viaggio’; Laura Melosi, ‘D’Annunzio e il Dante monumentale. Dai carteggi con Olschki e Passerini con documenti inediti. Parte seconda: la stampa e l’epilogo (1911–1922)’; Mauro Guerrini, ‘La punta dell’iceberg. Le cinquecentine delle biblioteche ecclesiastiche: proposta (aperta) per la redazione di un repertorio’; Antonio Ciaralli, ‘In memoriam Armando Petrucci’.

Book Collector, 68, 1 (Spring 2019)

‘Women’s issue’. Includes: Lisa Baskin, ‘You Can’t do it Alone’[on her collection of women’s material, now at Duke University]; Moira Goff, ‘The Ballerina and the Book: From the Ballet de Cour to the Ballets Russes and Beyond’; Anke Timmermann, ‘Alchemy in Britain: Elias Ashmole’s Alchemica’; Victoria Dailey, ‘Pavement Nymphs and Roadside Flowers: Prostitutes in Paris after the Revolution’; Peter Hoare, ‘Belton House’; Spencer W. Stuart, ‘The Savoy Cocktail Book of 1930’; John Stokes, ‘Oscar Wilde at the British Library: Reflections on the Mary Eccles Collection’; Miriam Foot, ‘The Property of a Lady: Women as Owners of Fine Bindings’; Silke Lohmann, ‘The Duchess Anna Amalia Library in Weimar’; Karen Limper-Herz, ‘A Presentation Copy to Sarah Banks, 1806’.

Brio: Journal of IAML (UK & Irl), 55, 2 (Autumn/Winter 2018)

Includes: Tony Trowles, ‘The Music Collections of Westminster Abbey Library’; Alasdair MacDonald and Elizabeth Quarmby Lawrence, ‘From General Reis to DCRM(M): Cataloguing the Music Collection of Edinburgh University Library. Part 1: The Early Reid Professors and the First Catalogues, 1807–1941’; James Beaton, ‘The 19th Century Printed Music of the Highland Bagpipe’.

Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 94, 2 (Autumn 2018)

Includes: Ben Pope, ‘The Empress, The Elector and the Painter: The Armorial of Bianca Maria Sforza, Copied for August of Saxony by Lucas Cranach the Younger (Manchester, John Rylands Library, German MS 2)’; Cedric C. Brown, ‘The Story of the Mordaunt Letter-Book of 1660 in the Rylands Library: The Eloquence on Incompletion’; Grevel Lindor, ‘How the King of Witches Dusted the Books: Alex Saunders at the John Rylands Library’.

Chaucer Review, 53, 2 (2018)

Includes: Julia Boffey and A. S. G. Edwards, ‘Context, Form, and Text in Lack of Steadfastness’.

——, 53, 3 (2018)

Includes: Wendy A. Matlock, ‘Reading Family in the Rate Manuscript’s Saint Eustace and Sir Isumbras’.

——, 54, 2 (2019)

Includes: Ellen K. Rentz, ‘“Holsum to haue in memory”: An Added Tale in an English Book of Hours’.

Classical Receptions Journal, 10, 2 (April 2018)

Includes: Craig Kallendorf, ‘Canon, Print, and the Virgilian Corpus’.

Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 49 (2018)

Includes: Rachel Masters Carlisle, ‘From “Art of Memory” to Naturalism: Andrea Alciato and the Development of the Early Modern Emblem’.

Danske Studier (2018)

Includes: Anna Katharina Richter and...

